This is one of my favorite pictures:
It was taken in 2008 after the four of us came back from Santa Fe with Andy’s and my first Mac, a 13″ MacBook. I eventually upgraded to a new machine, and we put Windows XP on it so Andy could use it with ExpressPCB to design and order his circuit boards for controling the solar heating system.
The ExpressPCB upgrades have made it harder and harder to use, and when he updated his virus protection program last week he ran into real problems. We decided the machine and software were so old it would be a lot easier to buy an inexpensive Windows 10 machine.
That turns out to have been a good move, learning the new operating system was fairly easy, and it’s simple to use ExpressPCB again. He ordered his latest circuit board Thursday evening.
I went to the Apple Recycling website to get the information to recycle the MacBook and sent it off today. RIP, little MacBook. I will always think of you fondly.
November 24, 2018
yes indeed RIP – I’ve few laptops hanging around here, they are not Mac of course…I often think I should deal with them; but out of sight is of course out of mind 🙂
Apple makes it easy, which is why I did it rather than procrastinate. LOL!
Mom is on her second Macbook Pro and loves it. She says she doesn’t know what she would do without it. She really doesn’t like using Dad’s Dell:)
Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber
How old is it? I’ve read about the new ones and worry about the lack of ports. Fingers crossed my present one keeps working! The computer I use the most is my MacMini and an old Dell monitor that keeps going and going.
Never had any Mac product
Coffee is on
We had PCs for about 15 years before we switched. At the time a lot more programs required PCs. Now my favorite program, GraphicConverter, runs only on the Mac. That’s one reason for choosing, the other is PCs are a lot less expensive — a big consideration given that they become obsolete so soon.
What kind of computer do you have?
I love that picture too! they’re all doing their own thing but it still feels very companionable.
I’ve never had an Ipad. the Marine is a Mac user too. I’ve never had one.
this Lenovo seems to be trudging along. I’m used to the big screen. I love it.
my only problem has been the hackers. but that seems to have finally stopped.
I guess they gave up. 😀
life is good. but I know someday I’ll have to get on board with everybody else!
especially if the PC is becoming obsolete.
Our new Windows laptop is a Lenovo and it seems to work just fine. I may start using it up on the land when I need a computer to batch rename pictures and attach keywords to them. My favorite program, Graphic Converter, works only on Macs, but I poked around today and found that Adobe is offering Adobe Bridge as a free stand alone now. I used that in the past and just installed it on my Mac to review how to use it. It seems to do the job and should work just fine if my current MacBook stops working. I don’t use the MacBook enough to warrant the cost if the present one dies. There is a BIG difference in price.
I do use my iPad all the time and love it, but I’ve heard other tablets work fine too. Tablets won’t replace computers, but they are really convenient. That’s why I could watch so much Frazier in bed (via Netflix) when I was sick with shingles.
When my Dave finally talked me into going Mac it was because he could do something that allowed me to run Windows programs as well. I had two Windows programs I used a lot. I no longer use either so my current MacBook is just plain Mac–his old one, of course, from when he bought a newer one.
Apple had a good idea letting people run Windows on Macs. I was surprised that my favorite software, GraphicsConverter, runs only on the Mac. I use it all the time for organizing pictures and converting them for my posts.
I learned everything I know about computers on a Mac. In our country, Apple made a deal with the Education departments of many provinces and ‘gifted’ Mac computers to thousands of schools. I think they thought they would get in front of the line, and would be able to dominate the computer market that way….but little did they know!
Yes, they were very smart to develop loyal users at an early age!
My first experience with computers was at my first job when I taught myself Fortran and fell in love with it. A friend in college took one of the first computer classes they offered there and complained the computer said she had 18 too many left parentheses and 15 too many right parentheses. Computers have come a LONG way since then. 😀
Personal computers weren’t available until a lot later than that.