It Could Have Been a Lot Worse

Unfortunately a lot of big live trees blew down in the storm, but Andy didn’t have to do anything until after the fire station. Five of our neighbors and the county worked on that part of the road yesterday, and the county was back today.

Two of our neighbors also worked on the road down from the fire station yesterday. All Andy had to do today was use his chain saw to shorten some of the trees in that part of the road. He was going to clear the pieces on his way back, but our neighbor in the canyon took care of it.

A couple big trees blew over down by the brown gate, but another neighboring couple took care of them today.

I asked Andy to take pictures of all the trees on Woodcutters Road as he walked up, and these are the ones he took before he had camera problems.

He said there were eleven more trees after these. He’s hoping to take pictures of the snow drifts towards the top of the road tomorrow. That plus what the wind did to our ladder tied at the top to the roof.

One great piece of news — the photovoltaic panels and the heating panels on the roof were still in great shape. It was a toasty 72.4°F in the house when he got there. He’s really pleased with that system, and we’re grateful for our neighbors.

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10 Responses to It Could Have Been a Lot Worse

  1. Ann Thompson says:

    That is a lot of trees down. Nice to have such helpful neighbors

  2. The OP Pack says:

    What a shame to lose so many trees!!! But what a blessing to have such good friends and neighbors to help. Enjoy the weekend – you have a gorgeous blue sky there.

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  3. Have to wonder if any of down tree could be used for firewood?
    Coffee is on

    • Jean says:

      The ones that were alive will no doubt be gathered for firewood. The dead ones are too rotten to be of much good.

    • Cindi says:

      That’s a lot of trees!
      Glad you to read that you have such great neighbors!
      The dead tree that’s over 2 stories tall behind my house finally came down in one of the recent high windstorms. It had grown through the fence so me and my neighbor didn’t really agree on who’s property it really was but it looked to be aimed at my house.
      Two years ago I got an estimate on how much it would cost to take it down but it wasn’t something I could afford so I just have been holding my breath. Last year I put up fence posts but never put the actual fence up because I knew that tree could possibly destroy it.
      So I just waited.
      Then the other day when we had 60 miles an hour winds overnight, I awoke to it laying in my yard! It missed the house, the enclosed dog potty patio area, the telephone (Internet) line and only hit one post that’s now at a weird angle… but I can live with that.
      I don’t think I could handle having all the trees coming down like you have there! That’s too much to worry about!

    • Jean says:

      I’m so glad nothing was seriously damaged by that falling tree! It must be a relief to have it down.

  4. Kim Wiff says:

    Trees blowing over is something we’ve dealt with here for the last week or so. But we’ve not had the added problem of snow along with it. Glad you stayed warm and have the help of neighbors. There’s a lot of comfort in that, isn’t there?

    • Jean says:

      Yes, for a few years after the fire, except for Beate and Tim, Andy had to do a lot on his own. It’s a blessing that we have helpful neighbors now.

      And Andy does love the warmth in the house thanks to his somewhat automated solar heating panels. It has been (and is) a complicated project, but it’s already paying off for him. 🙂

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