I Did It!

I opened a jar of apple sauce all by myself! I didn’t have to give it to Andy to open or have to use a strap wrench, I just whacked the top with the back of a knife to break the seal and twisted the top off.

Yeah, yeah, I know. In the cosmic scheme of things that isn’t very important. But in the past I could never do it, and I believe in celebrating the little accomplishments in life.

What about you?

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21 Responses to I Did It!

  1. tammy j says:

    I usually… make that USUALLY can do it. as opposed to not always!
    but last month I simply could not get a salsa jar open. and I envisioned it at one point opening and maybe spewing salsa all over the kitchen! I tried everything. but this jar had a vacuum that was ON there! the marine opened it for me when he came to pick me up. it always irritates me so. so I am celebrating your ‘grand opening’ right along with you!
    LOLOL! xo

  2. The OP Pack says:

    Congrats!!! That is Mom’s secret weapon too. Sometimes it takes a few extra whacks or a little time under the hot water. But we guess it is better that it has a good seal than none at all:)

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber

    • Jean says:

      I used to use the hot water trick after I whacked it, but it wasn’t enough for me. The wrist exercises I’ve been doing to help prevent a break if I fall seems to have done some good. It’s a great incentive to continue.

  3. I have SO much trouble opening jars, no matter what device I try! Applesauce is one of the hardest. I’ll have to try the whacking tip next time.

  4. Joared says:

    Good for you! I give one whack and if grabbing the lid, giving it a twist doesn’t do the job, I don’t mess around with the hot water any more or more whacks. I use the adjustable lid gripper for arthritis my Mom had though she didn’t have arthritis.

  5. Ann Thompson says:

    Yep, that’s cause for celebration. I’ve discovered that if you turn the jar upside down and give it a good thump straight down on the counter top it also will loosen the seal.

  6. shackman says:

    To be honest age and arthritis cause me to occasionally pass the jar opening job yo a grandchild. It irritates the bejeebers out of me but I am learning to accept my limitations as they pop up,

  7. nick says:

    I have pretty strong hand muscles but even I can’t open a jar top sometimes. Like the others above I find hot water on the jar top will expand it and then I can open it quite easily.

  8. I never up under the rim with a manual can opener…and find I can open them… that’s if they are a glass jar.
    It’s the plastic type I can’t manage and at home respond by NOT buying them…on the road, which is where I’m currently – find someone in communal kitchen…o

  9. Cindi says:

    Many many years ago a friend of mine insisted that I come to her Pampered Chef party. Everyone was buying all sorts of things and I felt obligated to buy something.
    I already had a couple of pots and a pan and for my VERY limited amount of cooking that I do, I didn’t want to waste money on something I’d never use.
    So I begrudgingly bought this-

    Best 13 bucks I ever spent!

  10. Linda says:

    Yay for you!

    I try once then give it to Dave. If he’s not home I use a rubber gripper to try again. I used to whack it upside down on the counter and that worked but I don’t like the noise that makes. Rubber gloves work, too, as they help you grip both the lid and the jar.

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