David and Jane, Andy’s brother and sister-in-law, were in Santa Fe for a couple of days and came up for a visit. They arrived about 9:45 this morning, and since it was such a beautiful day we took a short walk over to our nature center to look around and to chat. We also walked downtown for lunch, then came back here to chat until about 3:30. It was fun listening to Dave and Andy reminisce about their childhood and to compare their different versions of what happened/what it was like. They told some stories I hadn’t heard before, and it was great seeing them again.
Thanks, David and Jane!
March 9, 2019
🙂 wat 🙂 more family – this is so not like your regular life – visitors galore – but much fun I imagine from the brothers’ versions of the same stories…
David: no Andy that’s not what happened…
Andy: yes it was…let me explain what you have missed out about…
David: are you sure?
They were both interested in what the other had to say. Dave is about 7 years younger than Andy, so they had different experiences and they remember different stories they heard from their parents. It was a good visit.
Given how two people often remember the same event(s) differently it would be interesting to hear the perspectives. Glad you could enjoy family visits. Treasure the time as never know when might no longer be possible, especially as we get older.
With the age difference their experiences are bound to be different. They did agree about what their father was like.
Yes, we do treasure the time.
It’s always fun to get siblings together and hear the old stories
And the stories we hadn’t heard before. It was good.
Siblings can tell the best/silliest stories, especially when they don’t agree with the “facts”. The older we get the more we treasure times like this.
Again, because of the age difference (over seven years) it was more sharing their experiences rather than disagreeing about the facts. In the case where they disagreed about “facts” the misremembering got straightened out.
how wonderful you got to spend such a fun time with David and Jane!
and I was struck to think what great shape you’re both in to walk all that way.
your visiting siblings talking together made me laugh. the marine and I often will be talking and I’ll mention something that he never heard about! even 3 years can make a big difference! and of course… just being a boy or a girl. our memories are simply different and yet alike. odd but true.
I’m so happy you had a great time!
They were easy walks and the weather was perfect.
You have had a lot of visitors lately. Glad to hear you are having some nice weather so you can enjoy the visits even more. We have had beautiful weather for several days, but a cold spell is headed our way tomorrow.
Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber
Our cold spell is here already, and it’s very windy. We were very lucky.
My two brothers and I are each only about 18 months apart in age so our experiences were similar but the memories were different. They tried to tell me I must remember what they did but my priorities were different which affects what you remember. Still it’s been fun trying to share memories.
Andy and I have shared a lot of experiences over the years and we remember and forget different things. That’s why they say married people have better memories than single ones, we can fill in some of the gaps for one another. It’s also fun to reminisce with Kaitlin and compare what we each remember from the past.
I’m so happy to read that you had family visiting.
There’s nothing quite like sharing those kind of memories that you’ve almost forgotten and suddenly they come soaring back.