Andy, Beate, and Tim took a walk yesterday in the Valles Caldera National Preserve, not far from our land. It was foggy at first, but then the sun came out and it was a great walk.
If you are interested there are more pictures on Flickr here and here.
Thanks for the pictures, Beate, Tim, and Andy!
June 3, 2019
I love those pictures! and it’s nice to see Beate and Tim in them too.
Andy is in such good shape.
tomorrow I’ll check out the rest of the pics with my morning coffee. 🙂
it’s late tonight so am turning in. all the moisture you’ve had makes it so green and lovely!
Yes, we’ve been lucky with the moisture and appreciate it. 🙂
gorgeous photos…of everything and everyone
Question: what are those “furry” things in the 2nd lot of pictures, they seem to be animals in the grass/logs?
Andy says it was a prairie dog.
wow, never seen one of those…looks kind of cute…maybe it isn’t though…read the link, interesting critter
Farmers don’t like them because of the holes they dig for their burrows, but they are cute and good for the environment. Here’s another link about them, and this one includes pictures like this:
sounds like here but the animal is the bunny rabbit and farmers…rabbit shooting is a prime sport at times!
although I’m sure the rabbit here has such a status as your P/dog nor the complex way of living…
oops “Not” sure … blasted keyboard makes me leave out VIP words
Looks like a great day for a hike. It’s simply beautiful around there
Yes. 🙂
Fog can be quite beautiful if you’re not driving in it and don’t get lost walking in it.
I love fog as long as it isn’t too thick.