There are a few more pictures on Flickr.
Joe and his crew won’t be back until Tuesday, but they hope to make good progress on the wall next week. If I understand it correctly, it will be about six more layers above the tallest blocks in the pictures. Fingers crossed.
Happy Labor Day weekend, for everyone that celebrates it!
August 30, 2019
Wishing you a nice holiday weekend, too.
Thank you. 🙂
Looking good. Enjoy your holiday weekend
I hope you enjoy yours too.
When I am watching something being built around me I see that the base seems to go up fast, but then it all slows when it gets close to the DETAILS. Can’t wait to see this process. There was a home in my neighborhood that was torn down. I can only guess the reason for tearing down a two story home but they are in the process of rebuilding now. I went by one day and the house was there. Two days later, it was gone. EVERYTHING was gone. They took it down and removed all the debris in that two days I did not drive by. Then they took about a week to level off everything and do whatever it is they do before starting the building. I am going to watch it daily now (cause I have nothing better to do) and see what gets done in a days time. I was by there the day before yesterday and the concrete blocks the basement was there, yesterday they pretty much had all that done. I am amazed how fast it all goes.
I remember learning that in my youth. The framing was always so exciting and it was something we could see. Then they spent forever finishing the inside which was hidden from view.
This should be different because if we can get the installer to come the greenhouse kit shouldn’t take too long to put together. The problem is the installer is in Ohio and travels around the country to do the installations.
I’m so used to seeing greenhouses that are all glass from the ground up. This is interesting to follow. I have no idea what the finished project will look like.
It would be easier to build on the ground, and it would be easier to enter the greenhouse without having to climb stairs, but we’re putting it three feet off the ground so that snow sliding off the roof won’t block the glass.