One Word

One of the newsletters I get had an interesting question:

If you had to describe yourself in one word, what would it be?

I thought about it for a minute and the word resilient popped into my mind. Where did that come from? Oh, yeah. Working on it is one of my hobbies.

I’ve had a good chance to practice the past couple of days. For me it means being careful where I point that thing!, using my attention and emotional energy wisely. I’ve tackled some chores on my Possibility List that I’ve been putting off and have gotten a lot done. It feels good.

Can you think of one word to describe yourself? What are some of your hobbies that bring joy to your life?

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27 Responses to One Word

  1. Rose says:

    Wow, I don’t even want to admit one word that comes to mind here lately that would describe me. Even the word that comes to mind really doesn’t really fit either.

    There are a lot of things that bring me joy–our granddaughter, actually our kids too when we get to see them, and all our animals. Sewing and quilting, fishing, reading and rambling drives are special joys. Oh, of course photography is always a joy.

    There, this is way too long…sorry.

  2. One word to describe myself? It depends on that moment. πŸ™‚ Persistent or obsessive or even loyal, which I am to almost a fault.

    And as far as hobbies, photography, and I really love to bake, especially cakes. Finding that perfect recipe that whoever I’m baking for may enjoy, and finding ways to elevate it, is fun for me. But I’m not artsy at all, and so my cakes aren’t works of art when they are frosted. But they’re always made from scratch with lots of love! πŸ™‚

    • Jean says:

      You are definitely “loyal” and “dedicated” given all you do for the pups. But as you mention about your baking, “loving” is even more accurate. πŸ™‚

  3. Ok,,,Dora….take it from there and it wide open.
    Coffee is on

  4. “Lonely” which is kind of funny considering this past weekend someone told them she admired me for being so “social” which I don’t think I am. I guess I’m better at faking it than I thought.

    • Jean says:

      I think of you as social, at least compared to me. But being social has little to do with loneliness. Some introverts with a few close friends aren’t social and aren’t lonely.

      You lost your soul mate and that leaves a big hole in your life. Andy and I are very aware that that will probably happen to one of us, and social activities won’t fill that hole.

  5. Ann Thompson says:

    There are lots of words I could use to describe me but procrastinator is one that fits me a lot lately

  6. nick says:

    I would say “thoughtful”. I’m always thinking about something, my mind is never empty for very long. I don’t think I’m very resilient, I can be easily upset by absurdly small setbacks.

    • Jean says:

      I used to be a worrier and decided the best way to prepare for the future was to handle the little upsets well. It works for me, but we’re all different.

  7. Barbara Anne says:

    I think my word would be “caring” as I spent my career as a registered nurse, mostly in ER and surgery and now am a quilter who makes various size quilts for fun, some of which go to family, friends, and several worthy causes.

    Thanks for creating such an interesting blog! This is my first comment.

    Wishing you well!

  8. Linda says:

    My one word is organizer. I love to find a place to put each thing. And to go through what we have to find things to get rid of. When I was 13 or 14 I developed a play “school” where the neighbor kids would come for 2 hours two days a week. Each day had a theme that activities centered around. A friend and I supervised it. We charged each kid 10 cents per day and made enough money for my friend and I to each buy a purse. Mothers loved have those two hours to go shopping or to mop floors, etc. πŸ™‚

    My primary hobby is reading but I would say developing spreadsheets is another thing I enjoy. I’m about to start a new one and my mind is busy buzzing away at it.

  9. Catalyst says:

    “Be careful where you point that thing.” Good advice when you’re talking about your attention. Sadly all I could think when I first read it was of guns.

  10. Cindi says:

    Well crap!
    The first word that popped in my head was – tired!
    I’m going to bed and I’ll come back with a better answer tomorrow!

  11. creative

    not all the time, but the majority and it can be applied to various options…

  12. Cindi says:

    I’m back!
    It’s amazing what a few hours of sleep and an iced coffee with an extra shot of expresso can do for a person!
    Today my one word is – DETERMINED!
    I’m determined to accomplish my goals!
    Another word would be – CONFIDENT
    because I am going to!

    And what hobbies bring me Joy?
    I have a list but at the top of it are my puppies!
    I got Birdie 7 months ago
    And 10 days ago, her brother who I named Roy.
    Roy has my heart! ♥♥
    Looking at his big blue eyes fills me up with happiness.

  13. Cindi says:

    Those ?? were supposed to appear as a heart!

    • yep, I find that the ?? at wordpress/comments don’t equate to what I was inferring as well…maybe Monk can read/view them

      hey but glad you found your “one word” or two…I know there are days when my word would be blur or similar …

    • Jean says:

      I changed them to red hearts.

      If you don’t use the parts within the “< " and ">” you will get two small black hearts.

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