
Joe took this picture of Andy Monday:

The guys continued working on the back wall yesterday:

And the big news is we heard from the installer last night. He plans to arrive here Thursday and will start working Friday. How cool is that?!!

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15 Responses to News

  1. tammy j says:

    THAT is cool indeed! XOXO

  2. Rose says:

    That is indeed so cool….

  3. Looks like it coming nicely a long.
    Coffee is on

  4. now that’s not news that’s NEWS…fantastic whoopie, cool-as, awesome.

    I would be interested to hear the initial comments of the installer when he realises where exactly he is installing the greenhouse…

    • and if it’s an unusual site, or not that unusual…

    • Jean says:

      He already knows where we are because we sent him the location on google earth, plus a picture of where the greenhouse is in relation to the house and the shed. Andy did suggest that he follow Andy up the first time.

      The poor fellow who drove up with a load of dirt today got lost and went on a road that was destroyed by the flash flooding after the fire. Joe phoned at 1:30 to ask about it and they said he had left at 10:30, so Joe went looking for him and led him up to our place. He was relieved to get off that horrible road. Poor guy.

    • yes maps online are good…but actually being on the ground/real time IMHO is vastly different…

      oops sorry the other man with his dirt got lost…shows one how big and vast that forest land is…

    • Jean says:

      We may find out tomorrow what they actually think. Andy will lead them up. As you say, even though we warned them and the installer said no problem as long as it wasn’t on the edge of cliff, the reality of that long drive, half on rough dirt roads, may be different from what they imagined.

  5. Ann Thompson says:

    Andy’s getting right in there and helping out isn’t he.
    Good news on the installer

    • Jean says:

      He’s not helping with the actual work there. I think he’s making sure everything is done correctly and is probably checking his temperature devices.

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