Merry Christmas!

Santa did indeed reward Zoe and Tempi for being such good pups.

We no longer decorate for Christmas down here, but since 2015 Andy has been putting a Christmas tree on our roof so our neighbors can see the lights from the road across the valley:

Beate and Tim gave him the tree, and he rigged up the lights so they were far enough apart to be distinct from a distance.

He sets a timer so starting December 19 they go on when it gets dark and go off around midnight. We’ll probably take them down after New Year’s, when Kaitlin and Torben will be here.

Last year they were here in October, so he put the tree up early and we took this picture:

An unconventional but meaningful tradition.

Merry Christmas, everyone!

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12 Responses to Merry Christmas!

  1. Merry Christmas Andy and Jean – Kaitlin and Torben – Zoe and Tempi …

  2. Cindi says:


  3. Ann Thompson says:

    So happy to hear that Zoe and Tempi got a gift from Santa. I knew they would 🙂
    That’s a neat idea with the tree on the roof.
    Merry Christmas

  4. Rose Swalls says:

    What a neat thing to do! Love hearing about things like this.

  5. tammy j says:

    I somehow missed this post.
    I know your Christmas was Merry!
    I’m thinking just about every day is merry for you!
    just mainly because you’re You. 🙂 XOXO

  6. Rose Swalls says:

    I had to come look…I thought I commented but apparently I didnt. This is so cool that you/Andy does this.

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