You Can’t Believe Everything You Think

These pups were going to the dog park, but presumably they thought they were going to the vet? Sometimes we do stress ourselves unnecessarily.

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16 Responses to You Can’t Believe Everything You Think

  1. Rose says:

    I have been like that with appts. with dermatologist. I have gotten pretty much till I can just push it to the back of my mind, and know if there is more cancer we we will just deal with it.

  2. tammy j says:

    ohmygosh… that picture. I just want to HUG them. xoxoxo

  3. definitely – especially last week when I tried to avoid the actual doctor, based on what the nurse had said 3 weeks before at the monthly recheck BP test. Turned out “nurse was completely wrong” … all is as good as it will be, based on what has been graphed before, and how my right lower leg is looking/working…and best thing in the doctor assessment “do not need to have BP checked again until I return to see her in 3 months…” (unless of course something else crops up)

  4. JeanR. says:

    I love that photo! If we could only know what our dogs think….

  5. Ann Thompson says:

    Aww, that’s so sweet. Not that they were stressed but that they were hugging each other like that.

  6. The OP Pack says:

    Awww, what a sweet photo!!! After all the risks the surgeon had enumerated connected to Mom’s surgery, she was a nervous wreck before they knocked her out. So far, she is defeating most of those risks.

    Woos – Lightning and Timber

  7. MadSnapper says:

    that picture got an awwwwwwww and melted my heart into a puddle of love. so sweet… I am glad we can’t always believe what we think, because my thinker is good at going off the rails in the blink of an eye

  8. Cindi says:

    Wow,this was meant for me to see right now.
    I’m currently having a bit of a panic attack and I’m trying to calm down.
    Breathing in slowly and deeply.
    Just really worried about some stuff but I’m sure it will all be fine.
    Over-thinking isn’t good.

    • Jean says:

      It’s hard to stop a habit, what works best is to do something else that keeps us from doing it. I often work puzzles that are the right challenge to occupy my mind while me body calms down. And sometimes just gathering relevant information helps, especially if it’s a health issue or something that requires decision making. Good luck!

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