You can tell the sun is getting higher in the sky.

February 1, 2020

March 5, 2020
The corn isn’t listing as far to the south now.
March 6, 2020
You can tell the sun is getting higher in the sky.
February 1, 2020
March 5, 2020
The corn isn’t listing as far to the south now.
March 6, 2020
it seems to have grown a lot in such a short time!
can you tell I’m not a country girl? LOL!
all I know about corn is from the song Oklahoma. 😀
oh yes… and also how WONDERFUL it tastes with a little melted butter as in
corn on the cob! YUM!
I must say I’m more interested in watching plants grow than I am in eating the produce. Not that I don’t enjoy it if we end up getting something. 😀
I knew exactly what you meant when I saw the corn reaching for the light.
It’s fun to watch, isn’t it?
I’ve always been fascinated with how a plant will lean towards the light. That corn is growing great.
I think it’s fascinating too. At home we just rotate the pot, so it was fun to see what the corn is doing.
my hubby and I are like your corn, we are drawn to the sunshine.. that is one reason we love Florida, year round bright sun. I love the shadows in your photos… so beautiful…
We have a lot of sun even in winter here, but not as much as you have. I’m glad you can live there.
What is most important is that the sunlight is lasting longer each day.
Yes, that makes a big difference. We may have trouble with the greenhouse overeating in summer, but we do have that other exhaust fan. Another thing to watch and chat about.
the sun is drooping here a bit, particularly at night and early morning…and other than the rain on Wednesday, nothing else has fallen. I suspect we are still in drought format…
Love the look of the greenery…can’t wait to see Andy fill the entire space with green potential edibles 🙂
Fall is my favorite season, summer my least favorite.
We’re not counting on anything about the plants. We’ve been up there too long and have seen too many problems. But we’re having a good time trying. 😀
I love to watch things grow…
So do I!