Fresh Air and Sunshine

The recent post about our little trees reminded me of this 2016 post:

Do you remember the five-foot-high fence that Andy built around the Limber pine to prevent the deer and elk from destroying more of the bark?


It wasn’t high enough.

8-23-16 Limber Pine, New Damage

It reminds me of this comic.
Click on picture for higher resolution.

Being outside isn’t always idyllic.

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22 Responses to Fresh Air and Sunshine

  1. Perfect timing. I was just thinking it’s time to put my houseplants outsise for the summer.

  2. The OP Pack says:

    Ziggy’s little plant there would not be safe around us two boys:)

    Woos, Lightning and Timber

  3. Ginny Hartzler says:

    Funny! But TRUE! I can see that quite a few critters could climb of jump over that fence.

  4. tammy j says:

    part of me wants to LOL and the other part CRINGES! 😀

  5. nature is usually so forgiving – but it seems that if you don’t want it to have issues, you have to be careful what you do/give it.

  6. Diane Dahli says:

    So sorry about that beautiful tree. We have no elk here in the city, so when damage is done to plants, its usually deer.

  7. Madsnapper says:

    Thanks for the laughs out moment at the cartoon! Hilarious! That poor tree the deer must be desperate for a tree to climb over a fence to get to it.

  8. Andrea says:

    Oh lordy day, critters! Don’t get me started! I love them dearly but… well… I wish they would be more respectful. As my mom would say: “If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.” Love, Andrea xoxo

  9. Rose says:

    I have never seen an elk in real life…

    • Jean says:

      We have a lot in our area. The only danger is driving home in the evening. We’ve even had them stop in the middle of the road and stare at us before moving off.

  10. Bruce Taylor says:

    Now look who’s being funny! Incidentally I saw a video somewhere recently where a deer stood erect on his hind legs to drink out of a hummingbird feeder. He must have been 9 or 10 feet tall!

    • Jean says:

      Down here it’s the bears who love hummingbird feeders. They need the calories and it’s best not to encourage them.

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