Trick or Treat

The above picture is from the CDC site with guidelines for giving treats on Halloween. Kaitlin and Torben will be doing that this afternoon. They’re putting a table at the end of their driveway with the treats on it and they will be wearing masks and gloves.

It hasn’t been the best weather for it:

But at least it’s supposed to be above freezing. Not quite as nice as staying inside and answering the door!

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30 Responses to Trick or Treat

  1. tammy j says:

    our whole town looks like a war zone.
    we have trees and tree limbs down on every street! it’s incredible.
    of course the ice is all gone now. but the damage it left is amazing.
    I admire Kaitlin and Torben! that takes fortitude to sit out in that weather!
    it looks like their beautiful yard. or are the scenes from your neck of the woods? xoxo

  2. Myra Guca says:

    I think there’s a certain beauty in those trees. Certainly, beauty in Kaitlin and Torben’s hearts. Sweet gesture!

  3. The OP Pack says:

    Snow in New England is so pretty, but it is a wee bit early:) Although it is a littl windy here tonight, it is a relatively nice night for the trick or treaters. Just finished setting up our table on the walkway to our porch with individually bagged treats and a sign asking for arrivals to please take one. Hope they learned their manners at home.

    Happy Halloween.

    • Jean says:

      They were outside for the three hours. Some of their neighbors left the treats on a table and went in. Kaitlin said the kids, even the teens, were super polite.

  4. Mike Goad says:

    We had our one expected trick or treat visitor, a great-grandniece with on the porch social distancing. Same as normal except for the social distancing..

  5. Ginny Hartzler says:

    What gorgeous snow pictures! I hope everyone stays safe! Maybe next, you will report on how many Trick-Or-Treaters came.

  6. Bruce Taylor says:

    Where are Kaitlen and Tobin located. That looks very nice IF they can stay inside.

  7. Madsnapper says:

    Looks like a lot of 3D there but I also this is pretty early to have a storm that does that amount of damage. I saw a few blocks that said that they had snow the day before Halloween which is very unusual. We don’t ever get any Halloween visitors. Not in the past or now.

  8. Hootin' Anni says:

    ‘Tis the season
    …Jack Frost has visited. Halloween was weird this year, to say the least.

  9. We normally would have had 125-150 tricker-or-treaters but yesterday I got 10. The city didn’t cancel it so it was all on the parents who obviously didn’t send their kids. The kids who did come where greedy little things, wanting to grab handfuls of candy instead of taking just one.

    We’re suppose to get a dusting of snow today. Not looking forward to it.

  10. We chose to just view next door grand sons, at back patio, and give candy. 🙂

    Other wise, lights off.

    Happy November!

  11. Ooops, for got and tried to show my line of falling leaves! I’ll remember again, eventually. Grin

  12. Linda Sand says:

    Some neighbors left a small bag of candy outside our door. That was the sum total of treats here. More than we needed although I did manage to eat only one Milky Way Mini with Dave eating all the rest. People did dress in costumes and parade around the outside of the complex but I didn’t see the notice they were going to do that so I only saw pictures posted afterwards. Oh, well, quiet holidays are good ones for me.

  13. Ann Thompson says:

    It was a bit chilly last night here for trick or treating but there were plenty of kids out. I didn’t pass any out. I’m an old grump…lol

  14. Rose Swalls says:

    Earlier, a group of daughters friends all got together and had a trunk or treat …and ket the kids come through and pick ther own candy. Then had regular trick or treating Saturday.

  15. it’s not a big thing in NZ – but it’s catching on – my local f/b had some messages about streets involved.

    but what is coming up that is usually big – is Guy Fawkes night. I noticed an add on f/b that The Warehouse had packets for sale. I think it’s already started, darkeness falls and out come the fireworks…

    usually there are major displays but I think most are cancelled this year…

    • Jean says:

      I have to admit, I don’t like fireworks because they’re so noisy. We can’t have them here because of the drought and fire danger.

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