Delightful Weeds

In Andy’s annual letter he wrote,

I didn’t know before that tomatoes were basically weeds! The 4 plants that we planted last December are still growing like mad and we are getting about 6 tomatoes/day. I had anticipated starting radish and other cool weather plants by now but there really isn’t any room!


We love tomatoes, so we’re not complaining.

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24 Responses to Delightful Weeds

  1. Rose says:

    Oh, my goodness! That is wonderful!

  2. The Joys, of having a hot house!!!!!!!!!!

  3. There’s nothing better than fresh tomatoes.

  4. The OP Pack says:

    Me too – wish we had fresh ones year round here:) Everything looks so green and healthy!!!

  5. tammy j says:

    WOW! and grown in the best conditions! how cool are they! XO

  6. Ginny Hartzler says:

    OH, you have a lovely greenhouse!!

  7. Gosh, that greenhouse is earning it’s keep – here you both were some months ago with very little happening. Maybe next year, bigger and better stakes for the tomatoes

  8. Hootin' Anni says:

    All of his labors …you are continually reaping the benefits!!

  9. Ann Thompson says:

    Wow, I wouldn’t complain about that either. I love a fresh tomato. Mine have always been planted outside so only last as long as the weather permits.

    • Jean says:

      When we lived in Ithaca we had a pot of cherry tomatoes on the roof of the apartment building. When the weather turned cold we brought it down into our bedroom and it kept producing for a while. That was fun.

  10. nick says:

    I see what you mean about phenomenal growth! You’ll have to build another greenhouse, lol.

  11. MadSnapper says:

    I much rather have the tomatoes, and these are beautiful PLUS still getting tomatoes. wow…thanks for your ‘adorable’ comment. ha ha…

  12. Myra Guca says:

    Those plants have sure found their happy place! My ‘mater-loving hubby would love to bite into one …. or several.

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