At Kaitlin’s workplace they did a virtual morale booster/bounding exercise of baking cookies together.

Sous Chef Zoe, Photo courtesy of Tempi

Sous Chef Zoe, Photo courtesy of Tempi
I don’t know about the participants, but hearing about it brought back great memories of baking cookies together when when Kaitlin was young.
Thanks, Kaitlin!
December 14, 2020
what an exciting way to be with your workmates, hope they all “baked” and didn’t cheat with store bought something… Love that Zoe had to taste-check the bench 🙂
How cute! Zoe reminds me of me. My mother had to wait to bake until I went to bed, on account I kept trying to eat the raw dough.
A long time ago we used to scrape the bowl and lick the beaters when my mother baked cakes. How times have changed.
LOLOL!!! dinosaur cookies! xoxo
Aren’t they cute? 🙂
Aha, a cookie thief! I even love the plates they are on.
Awwww, sweet!
People sure are coming up with interesting ways of getting together. Still can’t beat the real thing of hanging out with someone baking cookies though. I remember making them with my kids. They used to fight over who would do what. I finally had to say only one at a time could help
It’s not the same as getting together in person, but it’s a valiant attempt and was fun. My hat goes off to them. 🙂
since I don’t bake and it would not boost my spirits, do you think they would let me be the TASTER? now that would boost my spirits… looks like you want that job also Zoe
I think that’s a great idea. In fact, neither Kaitlin nor Torben like cookies so they shipped them to Andy…in a shoe box. I plan to take pictures of them after they arrive.
What a delightful idea!!!!! Did they do this, via Zoom? -smile-
And equally lovely for you, since it brought back memories….
Ahhhhhhh, Sugar Cookies!!! Just those words, conjure up warm delights!!!! -smile-
{Picture little Christmas Trees in a row, here, please. 🙂 }
Yes, they did it via Zoom. Not perfect, but a lot better than nothing.
Sounds like it was a fun and yummy idea!
Yes. 😀
I am so glad Copper isn’t the only one that ‘helps ‘ in the kitchen. It does not even have to be cooking…can be at the counter doing as anything and he is right there to help!
They are so cute. 🙂
Mom really likes to make Christmas cookies with the grands, but that won’t be happening this year. BUT you will see in today’s post, she did do some baking for us:)
Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber
Yes, I saw that. Lucky pups! 🙂
Isn’t it wonderful to have memories!!!
Yes! 🙂