We love our orchard with its fruit trees and flowers.
But no one would call it elegant.
For more inelegant pictures, click here.
May 17, 2021
We love our orchard with its fruit trees and flowers.
But no one would call it elegant.
For more inelegant pictures, click here.
May 17, 2021
it’s my kind of elegance! I love it. xoxo
Yeah, but I still like it. I love elegant, but I also love natural, too.
They’re both wonderful.
Raw beauty … I love it!
Your fence is exactly like that we kids used to try and walk atop — like a balance beam.
The fence was built to keep bears from destroying the fruit trees.
We like what Myra said – raw beauty!!! Flowers are great sources of happiness and joy no matter where they grow. They do make us smile.
It’s a forest elegance, nothing to be sniffed at for sure. I guess if you lived up on the land fulltime, you would have a much different sort of garden. However your best garden is inside the greenhouse, that’s not to sniffed at either…
The first few years we had a big outside garden, but the animals didn’t believe in sharing.
I do not need elegant. What I like best is fields with wildflowers, and uncultivated plants. Do I see a Poppy?
The red flowers are tulips. Little tulips.
Personally I think elegance is overrated
It’s not our style.
More joyful and happy than elegant in my opinion.
Bob and I do not like elegant, we prefer natural over trimmed and perfect. I love your orchard and if I had it would be bringing flowers inside all the time.
our yard is wild, all we ever do is cut the grass, waht we have of it. we could be very happy living on top of your mountain except for bears and snow and downed trees, LOL
Andy brings daffodils home as long as they last. We’ll have to see if the peonies have any flowers, or the hyacinths next year.
I love our place up there, but I also love living down here. It’s a lot more carefree, and I can drive around town but my eyes aren’t good enough to drive on rough mountain roads.
I think it is lovely.