Fingers Crossed

Hopefully Andy will have luck keeping the mullein down, and that he won’t have to be like Mulla Nasrudin in the old Sufi story:

Mulla Nasrudin decided to start a flower garden. He prepared the soil and planted the seeds of many beautiful flowers. But when they came up, his garden was filled not just with his chosen flowers but also overrun by dandelions.

He sought out advice from gardeners all over and tried every method known to get rid of them but to no avail. Finally he walked all the way to the capital to speak to the royal gardener at the sheik’s palace.

The wise old man had counseled many gardeners before and suggested a variety of remedies to expel the dandelions but Mulla had tried them all. They sat together in silence for some time and finally the gardener looked at Nasrudin and said, “Well, then I suggest you learn to love them.”

Fingers crossed for Andy.

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20 Responses to Fingers Crossed

  1. tammyj says:

    what a great story.
    much wisdom in that story. not just for mulleins but anything we have no control over. whether plants or anything else. and…
    (I have always loved dandelions!) 🙂

  2. love the wisdom of the story – it’s a bit like those who want a pristine grassed garden and “daisies” keep popping up. I quite like dandelions and daisies. But also as tammy has commented, “learn to love” what you don’t necessarily want to love…
    Sitting here this Sunday morning, it looks cold and breezy outdoors but I’m all warm the heating is on. There are more sounds this morning, I can here a washing machine and of course birds. I saw a cat wander by an hour ago. Yes my outdoors world is closed off but it doesn’t seem to be affecting me today…

  3. The OP Pack says:

    We loved that story and all it had to teach. That mullein is not very attractive and we sure hope Andy can keep it under control.

    • Jean says:

      I think dandelions are prettier, but I am impressed by the mulleins. About 175,000 seeds per stalk and the seeds are viable for up to 100 years, they say. That deserves respect if not love. 🙂

  4. Ginny Hartzler says:

    A good story! I already love dandelions. If they were hard to grow, they would be much wanted by everyone.

  5. Joared says:

    This plant is new to me, a rather prolific growing one I gather. Sounds quite hardy. I guess many plants are viewed as undesirable if they grow where they’re not wanted.

  6. Myra G. says:

    Great life lesson. I, too, love dandelions; how they pay no attention to the naysayers.

  7. MadSnapper says:

    that is a great story, i love dandelions and Andy’s flower. Hope he does’t have to learn to love them.

  8. Ann Thompson says:

    That advice would work for me.

  9. Rose says:

    I like mullein…have always.

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