Let me keep my distance, always, from those who think they have the answers.
—Mary Oliver
Or maybe listen but don’t let them insist that you agree with them.
January 20, 2022
Let me keep my distance, always, from those who think they have the answers.
—Mary Oliver
Or maybe listen but don’t let them insist that you agree with them.
January 20, 2022
ah, yes the listening but not agreeing – actually I have some who keep on keeping on the same old subject. Which is hard to stop them spewing forth such ridiculous information…
OK. maybe at some point you try to shorten the spewing. I’ve actually managed to do that sometimes, but it took a while. 😀
Sometimes keeping your distance isn’t such a bad idea. There are those people out there who are know it alls and there isn’t anything they aren’t an expert on.
Yes, hurray for distance. 😀
Laughing at Ann’s comment.. which is so true.
Hello, my name is Sandra and I just MIGHT be a know it all. ha ha.. I do tend to know just what for another person to do on any given subject. the good news is I have admitted it to myself and can read people who do not want my knowledge. the quote is a good one.. i found in the workforce that the any person at the top of the compamy that was one of the C’s. knew everything about everything and never listened.
Trying something else.
Hootin’ Anni1/21/2022
It worked.
I had to use another browser, I’m not sure why but it works.
I have a former sister-in-law who finally agreed with me to simply not discuss certain topics. It’s hard to avoid relatives but that doesn’t mean you have to accept everything about them.
I have family members that I have managed to keep close to without hearing political rants. It took a while. 🙂
That’s maybe my greatest pleasure in being out of the workplace! My former boss’ total disregard for others’ points of view caused us many a time to laugh behind her back.
That’s too bad. 🙁