Animals As Teachers?

I have lived with seven Zen masters…all of them cats.
––Eckhart Tolle

If you can sit quietly after difficult news; if in financial downturns you remain perfectly calm; if you see your neighbors travel to fantastic places without jealousy; if you can happily eat whatever is put on your plate; if you can always find contentment where you are: You are probably a dog.
––Jack Kornfield

A cat purring on your lap is more healing than any drug in the world, as the vibrations you are receiving are of pure love and contentment.
––St. Francis of Assisi

Animals can inspire us to be less busy, more present, less worried, more joyful, and more passionate about life.
––Kristen Moeller

Then there’s Calvin’s Hobbes. In one comic Calvin asks Hobbes what he would wish for if he could have anything in the world. Hobbes thinks about it and says,

A sandwich.

Calvin goes crazy,

A sandwich!?! What kind of stupid wish is that!?! Talk about a failure of imagination! I’d ask for a trillion billion dollars. My own space shuttle, and a private continent!

In the final panel Hobbes is happily eating his sandwich while Calvin looks angry but beaten. Hobbes says,

I got MY wish.

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21 Responses to Animals As Teachers?

  1. Cindi says:

    They are wonderful teachers
    And great therapists
    I’d be lost without my pets.

  2. Ginny+Hartzler says:

    I LOVE these, especially the first one.

  3. Catalyst says:

    Cats (and dogs, I fear to say) know the true meaning of life.

  4. tammyj says:

    there is great truth and wisdom in every line of this post! 😀
    I love it. xoxo

  5. Hootin' Anni says:

    Excellent way of reminding us to enjoy what is “put on our plate” in life.

  6. Ann Thompson says:

    Love the quotes and the Calvin and Hobbes comic is perfect.

  7. MadSnapper says:

    sandwiches have always been my favorite food, i would be willing to eat one 3 meals a day.. love Calvin and Hobbes. I bought a book of them many years ago, the only cartoon i even bought. Beau is my yen master, I am his. we speak to each other without speaking. pets are a need not just a want

  8. Rose says:

    I love each and every one of these. The one by Kornfield and the Hobbs is my favorite. The last one made me laugh out loud.

  9. Love the cat and dog quotes. They are so true.

  10. Yep, animals make the best therapists.
    I LOVE Calvin and Hobbes. And what a great statement about setting realistic goals!

  11. once upon a time, I had a “lot of cats” but in the end, I never wanted another in my life – fun as they were – I had to take care of them all, as my partner was bone lazy on that matter – even after we split up and we had a share – he would phone me to drive me and his “cat” to the vet!

    So I think a “sandwich” will suit me nicely

    (apologies about lack of reading, all blogs have suffered…life a bit interesting here right now & I’ve not been online much…nothing bad!)

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