If Only All Parents Were That Understanding

His mother saw that he was not lonesome, and because she was an understanding mother, even though she was a cow, she let him just sit there and be happy.
––Munro Leaf

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14 Responses to If Only All Parents Were That Understanding

  1. Ann Thompson says:

    That is understanding. Too many parents tend to live their lives through their children and push them to do the things that make them happy not what makes the child happy

  2. MadSnapper says:

    or she just thinks he is not lonesome, as was I when i just sat there. Mother told me years later she had no idea how lonesome and sad i was in highschool. its hard to be a parent, even if a cow

  3. tammyj says:

    a quiet Wow of appreciation from me. πŸ™‚

  4. Hootin' Anni says:

    Excellent. Parenting is work, but we must let our offspring live and learn. And in my opinion, lonesome just may be a part of life. Learning to cope, right?

  5. nick says:

    I love The Story of Ferdinand. Jenny says I’m just like Ferdinand, sitting quietly smelling the flowers.

  6. Rose says:

    I think I am not sure how I even feel.about lonesomeness. I hesitate to say what I really feel.

    • Jean says:

      I spend most of my time by myself and haven’t felt lonely in years. There will be a hole in my heart if/when something happens to Andy. We make a great team when problems come up.

  7. That is so sweet and you are so right!

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