Oh, Oh!

After Andy left this morning I saw these on the table:

The TCL cell phone is so we can text one another, the Garmin is so if anything happens he can send an SOS message for help…or if it’s not that serious I will know where he is. We do have internet up there, but I can’t reach him until he turns it on, and if he’s hurt he can’t ask for help with that alone.

It turned out fine, but hopefully it doesn’t happen too often.

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16 Responses to Oh, Oh!

  1. Ann Thompson says:

    glad it all worked out. Time to double check to make sure he has those with him when he leaves 🙂

    • Jean says:

      It was a surprise since he had turned them both on and wasn’t even distracted. Fingers crossed it was a one-time fluke.

  2. MadSnapper says:

    things like this happen to us all the time, but we are in the city and can scream. I tell bob all the time, it takes two of us to remember, you remind me and I will remind you. Like our dinner time pills. seems if one forgets the other does also. so happy he is safe and did not need them

  3. I’m glad it ended up turning out fine.

  4. Hootin Anni says:

    Well … that would definitely become a concern!!!

  5. I can well imagine your “oh, oh, oh” – but now maybe you need another reminder – wherever your keys are – have a note firmly attached nearby – in the eye of sight…

    Maybe something in the car that suggests you check your bag or pockets before you drive away

  6. Myra+G. says:

    Is it improbable to keep another set up at the cabin?

  7. Cindi says:

    Those little pieces of paper help me.

    • Jean says:

      He doesn’t need them for this. They’re on an uncluttered table and he didn’t forget to see them or turn them on. He just didn’t take them with him.

  8. Diane+Dahli says:

    Whew! Glad it turned out fine!

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