Happiness is a choice. Happiness is a habit. And happiness is something you have to work hard at. It does not just happen.
––Leslie Jordan
Do you believe that? I do, for myself at least. I’m not sure about the “working hard” at it, but for me it does need awareness and commitment and practice. What about you?
November 3, 2022
some days there is “no happiness” but then those days always speak to me of what I need to do the very next day…and I endeavour to get up the next morning and do whatever it is…
That works too!
Happiness comes natural for me. At least I like to think that.
Yes, I totally agree. Happiness is definitely a choice. In any given situation you make the choice to either be miserable or happy.
Most of the time, I keep my blog Happy and Joyful and Funny, I did slip a little for the past month while dealing with ‘life” . I do make the choice to see humour in the things that aggravate us, not at the time they happen but in hindsight. Joy is a choice for sure. Joy is difffernt than happy I think
I, too, am all for joy. 🙂
Reflecting, I’m much happier now than when I was commuting crazy hours to work in a high-stress environment. Of course, it’s not all lollipops and pixie dust. Some days I just have to admit, “Life happens”, turn up the music and refocus.
Yes! That reminds me of a video, probably will probably repost tomorrow. 🙂
I do think that our moods come from an organic place inside us and some of us are better a choosing to overcome negative thoughts when necessary.
Emotions are great clues about our deepest values. For me looking deeply and understanding them is empowering.
Yes, I agree. So much of it depends on attitude!
I do believe that and I am working really hard on trying to find mine. I’ve tried three different antidepressants recently over the last several months and they are not the answer. So I am going to print that quote out and work on finding my happiness. Thank you.
Please let us now how it works out. Being depressed sucks!
I do think we can make the choice to be happy, maybe most of the time. But I think there are times where it is more than I can do. I can find moments of happy, but it is hard to hold on to when you see your loved ones hurting, having a hard time. I might say impossible when I see Roger having to struggle to walk to the bathroom. When he has that terrible look on his face…I simply cannot be happy. If he is not teasing and joking some, you know he feels horrible. I find it hard to do more than I have to do at those times.