In case you can’t tell, that is a manual pencil sharpener. Click on the picture if you would like to take the quiz. Another item it includes is a rotary-dial telephone. Not quite like the one Andy uses all the time, ours is attached to the wall in the living room, but still….
Anyway, I got 44 out of 50 correct. Clearly my age, not my IQ, is showing!
December 11, 2022
45 out of 50. “You know your stuff. Great job!”
I had nothing else to do. 🙂
I have one of those pencil sharpers sitting on my window sill. Used it since I was a kid and it was attached to our wall.
I only got 42 out of 50. Some of the things in the photos I’ve never seen in my life! (like the sugar sifter)
You still did very well. 🙂
Shortly after we started following each other, I had you figured as very witty and clever.
In this case just old enough to have seen some of these. 🙂
P.S. I remember using one of those rotary pencil sharpeners in grade school. There was something very satisfying about it, unlike the modern tech ones.
I remember them from school, too. And we had one up on the land before it burned in the fire. I like my electric one too, though.
I got 45 out of 50. I guess we are all vintage. 🙂
I’d never seen a sugar sifter before, either. But, they should have included a salt cellar. 🙂
That was fun … except both on my phone and the desktop, ‘moneypop’ kicked me out 3 times out of 3, citing “too many redirects.”
I don’t know why that would happen. I did it on my desktop.
I edged you! I got 45 out of 50. Does that mean I’m geriatric. Or perhaps an old fogy. (Wonder how many young people would know what that last one means!)
I sometimes wonder how many kids to today understand the phrase, “quarter to two”?
Good question. Even more important, they usually can’t read cursive.
the sugar sifter got me as well
i did not do the quiz, i believe that all those questions are to pull people in to get their info so they can phone, text and email ads..
that said, I know more vintage stuff than new stuff. bring on the rotary dialing and manual pencil sharpners, except to me, mine was the little square box you hold in your hand and twist to sharpen. we did have those on the wall at school. I also know what a flat iron is, a wringer washer, and just had a thought. my brothers first mobile phone was HUGE and rode in his car, it was so heavy I could not carry it, and now that is vintage because it was in 1984.. now that is scary that 84 is vintage. i dove into the hole in the interenet and found that a vintage item would be made between 1918 and 1978. which means you and I and all we remember are vintage toooooo
That’s why the quiz was so much fun. It’s like going to a museum and seeing things we had when we were young.
My computer won’t let me go to that site. I’m pretty sure I would do well though because I’m quite vintage myself. I knew right off that the picture was a manual pencil sharpener
Just knowing what the quiz was about is really enough. As Sandra says, we’re vintage too. 🙂