Fading Fast

We had a lot of daffodils down in the orchard area and in the past Andy would bring a bouquet down, we would enjoy it until the flowers faded, then he would bring more down. It was fun spring tradition.

April, 2022

Saturday Andy brought this handful home and said it was all that survived last summer’s fire and the recent freezes.

May 6, 2023

He said if I wanted to take a picture I’d better do it right away, they were fading fast. Poor babies. He’s thinking of ordering more bulbs…we’ll have to see what happens next year.

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14 Responses to Fading Fast

  1. wow

    nature gives and takes

  2. Ann Thompson says:

    How pretty. I had a few daffodils growing but noticed yesterday they are all gone already.

  3. MadSnapper says:

    the old and faded are still beautiful, love the vases. they are such happy flowers, yellow flowers are my favorites.. so sweet he brings them home for you

  4. Like Sandra, yellow blooms are my favorites. Love Andy’s romanticism!

  5. Ginny Hartzler says:

    They are so pretty! And I love the combination of the yellow with the blue vases.

  6. Maria says:

    We have to seize the moment don’t we?

  7. The OP Pack says:

    Still beautiful to see. Something about the color yellow makes one feel happy.

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