Still a Happy Nerd

Sigue siendo una nerd feliz.

My new apps are a much better way to start thinking in Spanish, but I did enjoy learning it the old way in high school. I still remember one day my mom had asked me to boil some hard boiled eggs for part of our dinner, so they would be done by the time she got home from work. I was happy to do it, so I put them on, then started studying Spanish at the kitchen table.

Oh, oh. So much for the eggs. I didn’t notice the smell until it was really bad.

Burnt eggs might be one of the foulest stenches known to mankind. If a cooking mishap leaves your kitchen smelling sulphurous, being quick on your feet is the key to eliminating the pungent aroma.
Cheryl Starr

I shut the heat off, took the pot off the stove, and frantically opened the windows to try to air the kitchen out. I still remember my mom saying when she got home,

How could you be in the same room as them burning and not smell them!

I was sorry that it happened because she worked hard and deserved more than that, but I was also pleased that I had been able to focus that much. My folks were unhappy that I always “had my nose in a book,” but I loved being a nerd, and I still do.

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16 Responses to Still a Happy Nerd

  1. MadSnapper says:

    I lived with my nose in a book but only fiction, nothing like trying to learn a new language. this is so true about the smell of burning eggs. I boiled a few dry but not enough to smell. and that was a few months ago. or maybe in 2020. Kitty is so cute

  2. Ann Thompson says:

    I’ve boiled eggs dry and didn’t realize until I heard the popping when they started to explode in the pan.

  3. Oh yaaaaa. I arrived home too late to catch the ‘aroma’, but was scraping bits of exploded eggs for weeks after.
    I hope you and your mother were able to laugh about this years later.

  4. Linda Sand says:

    One summer day I was reading about a blizzard and I had to put on a sweater. Lost in a book? Who me?

    My sense of smell comes and goes but mostly goes. I have had days when I could not smell bleach.

  5. Nerds know things…but then you know that don’t you.

  6. Catalyst says:

    Oh yes, nerds with noses in books. It sounds all too familiar.

  7. Ginny Hartzler says:

    All I can say is…you must have amazing powers of concentration!!

  8. Kitty is not good – she has no “mouth” and therefore cannot “speak” – most people do no see that with Kitty as she’s so darn cute…

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