Spanish Pronunciation

I’m working on my pronunciation now, and I’m mostly using the Wondrium course since I’m a subscriber. But I wanted to see if there are free options available. This video was helpful:

The material is also covered in this blog post. I’m trying to check how I’m doing using Google Translate, but I can’t get that to distinguish between perro (dog) and pero (but). I know for a fact I’m not pronouncing the double rr in perro correctly, but Google Translate is very forgiving of my attempts there. It’s when I try to say pero that it has trouble. Go figure. I won’t worry about that now, I’ll focus more on the easier words.

Never a dull moment. I continue to be impressed at the wealth of information we have available now.

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10 Responses to Spanish Pronunciation

  1. Ann Thompson says:

    You’re finding all kinds of things to help.

  2. MadSnapper says:

    added this one to my watch later list on youtube.

  3. Myra Guca says:

    True that! It’s almost mind-boggling. Gives a whole new meaning to the old jingle, “Let your fingers do the walking.”

  4. Ginny Hartzler says:

    I have always really admired people who can speak more than one language. To me, learning another language is one of the hardest things to do! But keeps your mind fresh and young!

  5. Linda Sand says:

    One of things I like about Spanish if there are no silent vowels–every one gets pronounced and there is only one way to pronounce each one. That makes me understand why English is the hardest language to learn: bough, though, enough, anyone?

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