Covid Tests

I ordered the four free Covid tests the government is offering again:

We still had four unused tests we bought last year, labeled with expired dates. I checked online to find the new expiration dates…two of the tests were still expired, so they had to be tossed. The other two are still good, not expiring until next February. This is the site to check for the extended dates if you have any old tests.

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19 Responses to Covid Tests

  1. interesting

    here it’s a little different but then again, many are not bothering to test… I’ve a box that H got for me, but I’ve not looked at expiry date. And hoping I don’t need to get H to adminster them for me, ever again…

    I have a lot of difficulty with my hands, small pieces of equipment etc. especially when they are both small and plastic (lightweight structures]

  2. MadSnapper says:

    thanks, i did not know they have an expiration date, mine came and i never even opened the package. just did and mine is extended to Nov 11 2023. had not idea. thanks. looks like I need to order them again

  3. MadSnapper says:

    ordered and on the way, thanks for the links…

  4. Bruce Taylor says:

    We have a collection of tests that we got and never used. They’re probably all expired by now.

  5. Yikes, like Sandra, I never paid attention. Going there now!

  6. Ginny Hartzler says:

    Thank you! Awhile back, I threw out several that had apparently expired. Then came to find out that maybe they had not. I wonder what is the deal with that!!! also, thanks for the reminder to order the tests, it had slipped my mind. even though I had written it down!

  7. Linda Sand says:

    We still have one expired but not expired test. I think it’s time to order more.

  8. Ann Thompson says:

    I have some in the cupboard and I’m sure their date is expired. I’ll have to check to see if they are still good

  9. tikno says:

    Is Covid-19 still a worry in USA? Or is just to anticipate for winter?
    We in Indonesia are no longer busy with Covid-19.

    • Jean says:

      Most people are ignoring Covid now, the shots and tests are for people who like to be prepared. Apparently the number of cases are rising so they’re recommending we get the new shots when we get our annual flu shots.

  10. tikno says:

    I’m glad to know you’re paying attention to Covid-19 issue, especially facing winter. Wishing you and your family always in good health.

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