Monthly Archives: October 2023
Costumes for Cats
Happy Halloween! I’ve been seeing pictures of dogs in costumes, but not cats, so I checked to see if those costumes existed. Some companies are selling them: I’m a coward. I wouldn’t try putting one on a cat. October 31, … Continue reading
Posted in Life As a Shared Adventure
How Cool Is That?
Rocks on the lake Baikal get heated from the sunlight every now and then and melt the ice beneath. After the sun is gone, the ice turns solid again thus creating a small stand for the rock above. It is … Continue reading
Posted in Life As a Shared Adventure
Simplifying Our Lives
In yesterday’s post Sandra asked, If you saw me once a week would you notice I always had on the same clothes? I said, I wouldn’t notice, or if I did I would think you’re sensible. Andy and I always … Continue reading
Posted in Life As a Shared Adventure
This One Reminds Me….
of some dogs I have known. Ever hopeful. The slobber dripping from the ball cracks me up. October 28, 2023
Posted in Life As a Shared Adventure
Parents Don’t Always Tell the Truth
October 27, 2023
Posted in Life As a Shared Adventure
Federal Jury Duty
Federal jury duty was a much bigger deal. I knew that when the summons came. It wasn’t in the mail, it was delivered by a guy knocking on my door and making me sign that I had received it. I … Continue reading
Posted in Life As a Shared Adventure
Jury Duty
Last weekend I received a summons to jury duty in the mail. Among other things it said: In accordance to the law, Sections 38-5-1 and 38-5-10 NMSA 1978, you have been selected for jury service. Our term of service is … Continue reading
Posted in Life As a Shared Adventure
Curiosity and Delight
It’s essential to work on something you’re deeply interested in. Interest will drive you to work harder than mere diligence ever could. The three most powerful motives are curiosity, delight, and the desire to do something impressive. Sometimes they converge, … Continue reading
Posted in Life As a Shared Adventure