Have You Flown Lately?

Apparently they expect flight disruptions this season because so many more people are traveling and because there are only six more air traffic controllers now than last year. The controllers are overworked and they’re already seeing the effects in increased near-collisions on runways.

Andy and I are doing our part by not flying. We had hoped to fly to the San Francisco Bay Area this past spring to see Kaitlin and Torben while they were still there, but the airlines were having too many problems even then.

Anyway, have any of you or your families tried flying lately?

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16 Responses to Have You Flown Lately?

  1. Nina says:

    I haven’t been on a flight since 2016. I avoid flying primarily because it is just so bad for our earth. I must admit, though, that as I get older flights would seem easier than certain long road trips. So I guess I should thank the airline industry for screwing it up so badly that even a lengthy car trip is now preferable to putting myself into their hands! And maybe even a small shout out to my fellow Americans whose behavior on flights only adds to my resolve.

  2. Ginny Hartzler says:

    I have never flown in my life, and glad of it! I had no idea that the lack of air traffic controllers was the cause of all these accidents! But it makes perfect sense. The other day, two planes either collided or nearly did just landing on a runway! Long ago, I read that air traffic controllers are in the top five of the most stressful jobs.

  3. Myra says:

    I was already reluctant …
    but watching NBC National News last night about the near misses and short-staffed air traffic control? No way, Jose!

  4. Linda Sand says:

    I no longer fly. I still like trains, though.

  5. Bruce Taylor says:

    It’s been decades since either of us flew so I think we’ve missed all the bad experiences. Yay!

    • Jean says:

      Except for 2021 we haven’t flown in decades either. Then Kaitlin flew out to fly with us to see their new home in Massachusetts. It wasn’t bad because not so many people were flying because of Covid.

  6. No we haven’t flown anywhere recently.

  7. I haven’t flown since 2013 and it was such a chore back then. I can’t imagine what a pain it must be now. So, I refuse to participate, if it’s not within driving distance I’m not going. .

  8. Ann Thompson says:

    I think the last time I flew anywhere was in 1980.

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