I am thinking the human involved in this mess, will never leave homework where it can be reached. Baby girl ate my drivers license and a 125 dollar check. my 2 year old grand daughter poked a 20 dollar bill in a hole in the wall, where the doorknob had poked a hole. that was in 1988 and 20 was a lot of money then
I am thinking the human involved in this mess, will never leave homework where it can be reached. Baby girl ate my drivers license and a 125 dollar check. my 2 year old grand daughter poked a 20 dollar bill in a hole in the wall, where the doorknob had poked a hole. that was in 1988 and 20 was a lot of money then
One has to be careful around pups and kids!
Oh my. That dog has some experience…lol
It looks happy. 🙂
Love the expression! Doesn’t she(he?) look pretty proud of herself?
Yes! 🙂
No matter how it is explained, no one will believe it!
One would have to take a picture.
If shredding was an Olympic event that sweet pup would bring home the Gold!
Haha. That’s why I have a cat.