Instructions for Living a Life

Instructions for living a life.
    Pay attention.
    Be astonished.
    Tell about it.
    —Mary Oliver

Nowadays some psychologists are studying that and are calling it the power of awe. I call it “being blown away” by something.

This, of course, was one of the times in my life that I was completely blown away:

Do you agree with Oliver that it’s important?

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10 Responses to Instructions for Living a Life

  1. Myra Guca says:

    … and rightfully so! Kaitlin is/was one of the prettiest babies I’ve ever seen.

  2. Oh I agree too. That is such a sweet, sweet baby!

  3. MadSnapper says:

    The 2nd pic looks just like she looks now. Ann and I were discussing her childhood pics this week and we were atsonished how much the baby/children look enough like the grown up at any age we can tell it is their photo. Kaitlin is adorable.. I like the quote and yes I believe it is true

  4. Ann Thompson says:

    Yes, I do believe the quote. Such cute pictures of Kaitlin.

  5. Yes, that is an excellent quote and I love the pictures. Too cute!

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