How Would You Feel…

if you looked out and saw this on your deck?

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22 Responses to How Would You Feel…

  1. Rose says:

    Happy, because I had something to photograph and put on my blog. When I was a toddler, I looked on the back porch and ran and told my mom and everyone there was a bear on the porch…before they could get me, I went running back and outside. .it was a big black dog!

  2. MadSnapper says:

    not very happy I would think. I think this is photoshopped or AI generated. I could cut him out and put him anywhere. it is to planned and the edges of the bear are blurred

  3. I love seeing the videos of bears playing on backyard swing sets and swimming pools. But one standing on the other side of a deck door….I’d be scared.

  4. Myra Guca says:

    Foolish, perhaps … but I’d be delighted. (Maybe for 30 seconds, lol)

  5. OMG! I would freak out for sure.

  6. Ginny Hartzler says:

    Very afraid.

  7. Ann Thompson says:

    My first thought would be to not let Gibbs see him otherwise the barking would begin. Second, grab the camera because that right there is blog material.

  8. The OP Pack says:

    Guess who is coming to dinner?:)

  9. I would be beary worried about our ferals!

  10. How frightening. A grown up bear so close to you.

    God bless.

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