We Saw Some Elk…

on the way home Wednesday evening.

How cool was that?

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20 Responses to We Saw Some Elk…

  1. Rose says:

    That is beyond cool!

  2. Myra Guca says:

    Yes, that’s very cool! They’re beautiful.

  3. Linda Sand says:

    Very cool!

  4. Ginny Hartzler says:

    Wow, very cool! We have deer around here. Now what is the difference between deer & elk? Are elk male deer?

  5. The OP Pack says:

    They are very impressive animals. We had a few deer run through the back of our yard the other night, just outside our fence. One stopped and watched the pups for a bit.

  6. Ann Thompson says:

    Very cool. It’s always fun to see wildlife.

  7. MadSnapper says:

    not only cool but thrilling to me just seeing the photo. I would love to see them in real life.. I have never seen deer, elk, bears except in zoo enviroments

  8. How nice to see those beautiful critters!

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