Too Funny

I’ve been spending a lot of time this past month on Duolingo. They said Section 8 was the last regular level, once I finished it I would be doing individualized practice. So I was curious. At the rate I was going it would take me about a year to get there, so I dug in and finished yesterday afternoon.

So what happened when I clicked Continue? It turns out they’ve added Section 9, which has 41 levels of new material. Level 8 had only 36. So I’m going back to doing at least a little bit every day. But now I can go back and review any level I like, which includes not just the lessons but a choice of extra exercises to test vocabulary, listening and speaking.

I’m not sorry for immersing myself, I’ve learned a lot. I’m still watching TV with Spanish subtitles every day and I’ve noticed I can understand a lot more of what they’re saying now.

So good for Duo for continuing to add new material, but I won’t be taken in again.

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22 Responses to Too Funny

  1. tomthebackroadstraveller says:

    …I’m afraid that this old dog would be poor learning new tricks.

  2. Christine says:

    Learning is great!

  3. I admire you for learning a new language late in life. I struggle too much with my first language to even try. But it’s a great goal.

  4. Rose says:

    It is always good to learn new things and to keep our m ih nd active.

  5. You have done so good with this so you might as well continue!

  6. Ginny Hartzler says:

    Spanish was a good language to choose. Because there are so many Spanish and Mexican people in the country. When I’m around them, I always wonder what they are saying.

  7. Myra Guca says:

    So glad Duolingo continues to feed your curiosity and sense of accomplishment! You go, girl!

  8. The OP Pack says:

    That was a bad move on their part. Not everyone would be as understanding and dedicated as you are. They might just quit. Good luck with the next level.

  9. Catherine says:


    And why not continue, if you’ve happy.

    Good for your overall well-being

  10. Ann Thompson says:

    That’s awesome that you have stuck with this and learned so much.

  11. MadSnapper says:

    when you are out and about, do you try to understand what they are saying? I have trouble understanding English spoken by anyone under 30.. they speak so fast I can’t follow. I had an automated message from the home inspectors and I listened to it 4 times and still only got part of it. it was loud enough, she talked with no breathing between the long message.

    • Jean says:

      Unfortunately I don’t encounter anyone who speaks Spanish. You’re right, some English speakers talk too fast and don’t enunciate well enough for me to understand.

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