
This is a cute picture,

but apparently raccoons can be a nuisance, and even dangerous. I still remember my uncle telling about the time one was eating all his persimmons. My uncle tried to chase the raccoon out of the tree, but the raccoon chased him back into the house. No persimmons that year.

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32 Responses to Raccoons

  1. How frightening; being chased by a wild animal.

    God bless.

  2. no Raccoons in New Zealand

  3. MadSnapper says:

    We know all about raccoons, there has been a family of them in the yard behind ours for years. I have seen them early am swim in our pool and they make a horrid mess and fight with the dogs. Jake was attacked by a pregnant mother raccoon and it was horrible, Bob got in the fight trying to protect Jake and beat it off with a shovel, grabbed it by the tale and flung it over the privacy fence, she came back up over the fence and attack Jake again… bob ended up killing it with the shovel, it would not stop… if I see one I come in the house, and always check the yard before letting any of our dogs out. they are cute but dangerous, they run during the night, in the dark. have only seen them in daylight when they are mating and screaming.

  4. Rose says:

    Our daughter lived in a nice neighborhood…newer homes. This was when Lorelei was a baby. A neighbor there had them get in their attic and the estimate to repair the damage was $5-7000!

  5. Myra Guca says:

    I’m sorry for giggling at your uncle’s story, but what a visual! I wonder how many people (myself included) don’t take them seriously because they’re so stinkin’ cute.

  6. Never had an encounter with a Racoon. Never knew they could be so vicious.

  7. Linda Sand says:

    Raccoons are good. They keep away skunks.

  8. Ann Thompson says:

    That is an adorable picture. I have also heard that racoons can be quite a pain. I had cousins who used to have one as a pet and it would walk all over the kitchen counters. I always thought it was rather disgusting.

    • Jean says:

      I had never heard of one being a pet. I’d rather have a bunny, I think. One that didn’t climb all over the counters. 😀

  9. Bruce Taylor says:

    There may be a reason they wear those masks!

  10. Ginny Hartzler says:

    They are so adorable! But can be vicious.

  11. tomthebackroadstraveller says:

    …sorry, I just found this post on my reader list. Raccoon here are most likely to rabitd!

  12. Yes, they are adorable but I wouldn’t mess with them either!

  13. Sorry, Cheerful Monk, that Blogger is not publishing your comments on my Blog. Thank you for calling there. Please try again soon … and often. We like to see you there.

    God bless.

  14. The OP Pack says:

    How can such cuties be nuisances, but we know they are. Our neighbors say they see them around at night and they love to rummage in the trash cans when they are out for the next day pickup. We think they also enjoy nibbling on my flowers if the rabbits haven’t beaten them to it

  15. That was scary for your Uncle. Yes, that photo is adorable!

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