Food for Thought

How should you measure your days? It’s easy to measure your days in dollars earned or tasks completed, but there are other units of measurement to consider:

What would you do today if you wanted to maximize laughter?
What would you do today if you wanted to maximize time outside?
What would you do today if you wanted to maximize peace of mind?

What unit of measurement serves you best right now?
—James Clear

Hmm. I read the above yesterday morning, and it seemed worth pondering. The term “maximize” sounds too intense and energetic. This time of year I mainly focus on keeping my spirits up in spite of the heat. The high was 93° yesterday and it was still about 80° at 10 last night. I managed to take it easy, keep engaged, and find something to laugh about.

It was a good day. What about you?

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19 Responses to Food for Thought

  1. MadSnapper says:

    we have our very own laughter machine and his name is Beau. we also have been finding stand up comics, on netflix. we find one that is not filthy mouthed and then watch those until we run out.. laughter is a hard commodity to maximize at our age and time in life. it does help for sure.. there is much on the internet of course but I spend way to much time there

  2. Yes laughter … we all need a little laughter.

    God bless always.

  3. Christine says:

    My old age security payments got approved super day!

  4. Myra Guca says:

    Ya, ‘maximize’ is a hard word. Corporate-speak.
    I prefer your suggestion ….. laughter’s always a better avenue, even when it’s aimed at myself.

  5. Linda Sand says:

    I gave up measuring by time and money long ago. Now I measure by play.

  6. Ann Thompson says:

    Maximize is a little too ambitious a word. For me it’s a matter of what do I want to accomplish.

  7. Ginny Hartzler says:

    Not so good for me. I am in a lot of pain and can hardly walk. Went to the doctor twice in 24 hours. Your quote is really great, something I never thought of!

  8. That’s a great cartoon. I try to make the most of each day and I always hope laugher is a part of it.

  9. I’m just coming I think out of the latest fug – and I’m hoping to maximise some days to try out some of the my list of “let’s see what is on offer here” – like in go out and find a regular day, I can go out and enjoy whatever. I’ve at least 2 places that need to be checked into

    some days in my new community when you observe the antics it’s laughable …. there was (or is) a kind of pecking order, a bit of one upmanship as well 😉

  10. Rose says:

    To maximize laughter, it is usually watch Copper…sometimes go to.Sandras blog and type in Bob to search. Also look up the ine where she got her new vehicle. But I am not sure I would call anything I do maximizing

  11. The OP Pack says:

    Yesterday was a not so good day dealing with some bank fraud on a check that caused us to have to close a checking account and deal with changing all the direct deposits. BUT today was a good day because the two daughters and families were here to do a Saturday celebration of Father’s Day with a delicious ice cream cake:)

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