So why do some plants look so green in yesterday’s post? A lot of them are New Mexico locusts, and they like the climate up there. They also were some of the first plants to come up after the 2022 fire. They pretty much took over.
Why did the plum tree die? Probably because we bought it too early and it didn’t survive a cold spell. We tried to buy another one from our usual sources for fruit trees but they were all sold out. (That’s why we bought it early.) Anyway, I kept searching on the web, and Etsy, of all places, had some.
Instead of a bare root tree a few feet tall, it came in this 9-10-inch-long box, bent in two with soil around the roots.
Andy planted it, and so far so good. He took this picture yesterday.
Here it is zoomed so you can see the new leaves.
Fingers crossed.
June 16, 2024
That locust is beautiful…the flowers are anyway. Good luck with the plum.
Thanks. 🙂
…I wish it good luck.
Thanks. 🙂
to me all trees are beautiful, so doesn’t matter what they are.. fingers and toes crossed this cute little tree grows up to be a big tree.. with fruit. its amazing they can now mail trees and plants in boxes. I got my philodendron in the kitchen in an amazon box..
We were surprised at this one. Our trees usually come in tall boxes.
Have you tried planting those bare root trees/saplings in a large pot and keeping it inside until it gets bigger and then conditioning it to live outside over period of a week or two aka taking inside at night and putting it out during the day. In other words making it into deck plant until later in the season.
It would be way too heavy to do it with the big bare root ones. I’m trying it with a new plug I ordered. I’ll write about that soon.
Amazing, it came packaged that way. I love the Etsy arena!
Etsy was a surprise and a Godsend.
Hope this one continues to grow.
Thanks. 🙂
ETSY?! Who knew? I didn’t even know they sell live plants. You really had a brainstorm!
I was surprised too.
I hope it makes you all plum happy!
Thanks. 😀
Love the pretty flowers on the locust. The new plum tree looks very healthy. Good luck with it.
Thanks. Fingers crossed.
Glad it is doing well. I hope it continues to do well.
Thanks. 🙂