New Mexico Locusts

Beate took these pictures of the New Mexico locusts as she was trying to rid her property of them.

They are impressive plants with beautiful flowers, but they are miserable to walk through. One of Kaitlin’s and my first memories of the land was walking up to look at it before we bought it. We joked that no matter which way we went we had to walk through those dratted pricker bushes.

When Andy drove down to the orchard yesterday he had to stop to clear some of them off the road.

They were even blocking the gate.

As I’ve said, they do love it up there.

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26 Responses to New Mexico Locusts

  1. Rose says:

    I wondered if they were z nuisance…those blooms are still gorgeous.

  2. The flowers look really beautiful though.

    God bless.

  3. tomthebackroadstraveller says:

    …locust is one roughed plant!

  4. The flowers look really lovely…didn’t know they are called Mexico Locusts..

  5. Ginny Hartzler says:

    They are gorgeous! And that is an unusual bug as well. Do the flowers smell good?

  6. WOW, they sure seem interesting in taking over the place!

  7. The OP Pack says:

    So pretty, but those prickers would bother me too.

  8. Myra+G. says:

    Beautiful, disguised as ornery! I can’t believe I never heard of them!

  9. As soon as I saw Locusts – I thought of the flying insect – but I see now it’s just a type of plant that loves to grow, grow, grow

  10. Ann Thompson says:

    They might not be nice to walk through but they sure are pretty to look at.

  11. MadSnapper says:

    when I saw the bug, I thought, that is not a locust. then realized it is the plant name. it really is gorgeous and like all invasive plants grows like crazy. we have those here, invasive plants I mean, not your locust plant. seems like the prettier the plant the more the prickles. we both love bougainvillea and boy do they have thorns and grow like crazy

  12. The flowers do look pretty. Sorry that they are are prickly.

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