It Doesn’t Have to Be Art

In yesterday’s post we talked about creating/playing with art, but it doesn’t have to be that. It can be any activity that feeds our soul. It can be decorating our living space, taking and sharing photographs, writing blog posts, knitting, crocheting, cooking, gardening, etc. Even a hobby like stamp collecting counts:

All stamp collectors agree (even if not everyone admits it) that what motivates them to collect stamps is the pure simple joy they feel when collecting. The process of searching, locating and buying common stamps, new stamps, old stamps, rare stamps, or any other types of stamps which are needed in order to complete a specific type of stamp collection gives the stamp collector a sense of pride, success and accomplishment. For some people, just the simple and pure fun of the hunt (similar to treasure hunting), and the moment of actually finding and successfully acquiring a particular stamp is a good enough reason to collect stamps.
Why People Collect Stamps

What works for you? (Blogging is one of the ones at the top of my list.)

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12 Responses to It Doesn’t Have to Be Art

  1. Rose says:

    Sewing and making quilts work for me. Photography used to be…

  2. Ann Thompson says:

    Blogging will likely always be on my list but at the moment drawing is there too.

  3. MadSnapper says:

    blogging, drawing, poking Ipad, writing, and photography was the reason I started blogging, now I can’t get out in the preserves because no one I know is able to go with me. I still do photos but only Stuff at home. forgot to say the past two days I spent watching the tree guys remove 3 trees from the neighbors yard and a little ranting about it as I watched. the machinery was amazing and had never seen 3 of the ones they used.

  4. tomthebackroadstraveller says:

    …I have always been a visual person and find enjoyment in simple everyday things.

  5. Blogging makes new contacts and friends.

    God bless.

  6. Myra Guca says:

    During this season I’m finding (that) Blogging feeds my soul. Too, I’m finally re-discovering my life-long passion for reading.

  7. I collected stamps from age 10 to 80 and I’ve always been known as a collector or collections. Even now, after the big purge and downsizing I find myself picking up feathers and stones on my walks because I now long go to places where I’d find antiques, etc. I don’t understand people who don’t have a least one hobby. Blogging is a great one.

  8. Ginny Hartzler says:

    I tried stamp collecting maybe 30 years ago, but it was not for me!! I like blogging and photography, plus finding and making new recipes.

  9. Linda Sand says:

    I only post a blog about once a month now but writing them still brings me pleasure; I have several drafts going at this time. I also get pleasure from helping new RVers learn how to buy and live in a rig.

  10. Cats first, then blogging, then music for me.

  11. The OP Pack says:

    I enjoy blogging when Blogger cooperates:). I love to read and crochet and do all sorts of word puzzles and jigsaw puzzles. But mostly I love to spend time with my grandchildren and my dogs:)

  12. general creativity – which is currently mixed media – so lots to fathom out, explore, learn…

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