A Bit More Rain and a Picnic

The rain was welcome, but it’s too bad it had to come when this group was having a picnic. At least they were dry and could use the grills under the roof.

Some of them didn’t leave until after 9 p.m., so it must have been a success in spite of the weather.

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24 Responses to A Bit More Rain and a Picnic

  1. awesome that people don’t mind a bit of rain if there is shelter …

  2. MadSnapper says:

    I love the shine the rain puts on the basketball court.. at least is was probably cooler than if the sun was out…

  3. Rose says:

    The rain may have been part if the success..

  4. tomthebackroadstraveller says:

    …we have been so dry, that came to end yesterday!

  5. Myra Guca says:

    That’s really a nice set-up (your) complex provides!

  6. We’re still waiting for rain.

    God bless.

  7. Wisewebwoman says:

    Lucky that you had such a shelter and everyone having such a good time!

  8. Ginny Hartzler says:

    It looks like the pavilion has some kind of lighting? All you have to do is set a date for an outdoor activity, and you can be sure that is when it will rain!

  9. Well, it sounds like they had a good time despite the weather.

  10. The OP Pack says:

    The wet ground makes it seem like it was quite a heavy rain. We hope the people still enjoyed their gathering. Nice covered pavilion for them.

  11. Ann Thompson says:

    That’s a really nice picnic area. Glad they were able to enjoy their picnic even with the rain.

  12. Looks like they were having a fun time!

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