Monthly Archives: June 2024

Crazy Weather

The U.S. is experiencing a number of extreme and varied weather events at once, from the prolonged heat wave scorching the Northeast to the deadly wildfires blazing in New Mexico to the tropical storm drenching Texas’ Gulf Coast. …. As … Continue reading

Posted in Life As a Shared Adventure | 18 Comments

The Next Step

I spent a lot of time yesterday reading about ANSI standards for safety sunglasses for Andy. In 2015, after he bumped his head on a fallen tree while hiking, we started buying him pith helmets to replace his floppy sun … Continue reading

Posted in Life As a Shared Adventure | 24 Comments

Unfortunately That Wasn’t the Whole Story

Even though Andy managed to cross the bridge fine both ways, he had a fall after the second crossing. The trail was rough and as he was walking he was looking ahead to see where to go next. He tripped … Continue reading

Posted in Life As a Shared Adventure | 24 Comments

A Walk in the Valle

Beate, Tim and Andy took a nice walk in the Valle yesterday morning. Andy did a lot better than I would have crossing that stream. There are a lot more pictures in this Flickr album. June 18, 2024

Posted in Life As a Shared Adventure | 26 Comments

New Mexico Locusts

Beate took these pictures of the New Mexico locusts as she was trying to rid her property of them. They are impressive plants with beautiful flowers, but they are miserable to walk through. One of Kaitlin’s and my first memories … Continue reading

Posted in Life As a Shared Adventure | 26 Comments

The Second New Plum Tree

So why do some plants look so green in yesterday’s post? A lot of them are New Mexico locusts, and they like the climate up there. They also were some of the first plants to come up after the 2022 … Continue reading

Posted in Life As a Shared Adventure | 20 Comments

The First New Plum Tree

Do you remember when Andy planted the new plum tree: And that when he fell backwards these bushes broke his fall? Well this is what those bushes looked like on May 29: They are clearly thriving. In fact, most of … Continue reading

Posted in Life As a Shared Adventure | 24 Comments

Food for Thought

How should you measure your days? It’s easy to measure your days in dollars earned or tasks completed, but there are other units of measurement to consider: What would you do today if you wanted to maximize laughter? What would … Continue reading

Posted in Life As a Shared Adventure | 19 Comments

This Reminds of…

an archery class I once took. Let’s just say I’m grateful that my life never had to depend on my athletic skills. June 13, 2024

Posted in Life As a Shared Adventure | 18 Comments

Lito Leaf Art

Tom told me about this artist. Fallen leaves become the material for intricate carvings in the art of Lito. The self-taught Japanese artist picked up this art form in 2020 as a way to help manage his ADHD. He found … Continue reading

Posted in Life As a Shared Adventure | 30 Comments