A Lovely Idea, But…

The other day I read a piece saying we should age with “wisdom and grace.” That’s a lovely sentiment but my rambunctious inner puppy says it’s not for us. It’s too sober and sedate. It prefers Booth Tarkington’s,

Better to be happy than wise. Cherish all your happy moments, they make a fine cushion for old age.

Yes! That works for me. I can use all the cushions I can get.

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20 Responses to A Lovely Idea, But…

  1. tomthebackroadstraveller says:

    …I’m growing old, but I don’t want to grow up!

  2. No to wisdom and grace. I am adventurous. I do things differently. Like sleeping by hanging upside down from a tree. Or wearing a colander on my head to avoid being captured by Martians.

    God bless.

  3. Christine says:

    Thoughtful post with merits on either side

  4. I’ve sought wisdom yet it always alludes me! I like the idea of a Happy Cushion.

  5. Yes, that works for me too!

  6. Myra+G. says:

    “… with wisdom and grace” makes me think of a nun. (lol).
    I cherish my happy memories and hope to make lots more!

  7. Rose says:

    I need a LOT of cushions!

  8. Ginny Hartzler says:

    Me too! Both literally and figuratively.

  9. MadSnapper says:

    I do not believe that the person that wrote that comment was old or had reached the part where they were old. I find it in my old age Iā€™m regressing more to my inner happy self that I can be happy playing writing coloring doing all the things I did as a child and the things that made me happy as a child now make me happy again

    • Jean says:

      Yes! After I first retired people would ask what I was doing with my time. “Enjoying my second childhood even more than my first one. “It’s never too late to have a happy childhood is one of my favorite quotes.

  10. Ann Thompson says:

    Wisdom and grace really aren’t my style. Happy I can do. Plus, who couldn’t use an extra cushion to sit on.

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