
When I think of Ttouch I think of Polly. She was a sweet pup and had no trouble getting adopted, but for the few days she was at the shelter she loved TTouch. I would take her out of her kennel and sit on a chair so she could bury her head in my lap. After a while I would ask her if that was about enough for now, and she would look up to show that she had heard me, then bury her head again. So we would do it for a while longer.

Some of the other volunteers would give us strange looks, and one even asked, “Are you still here?” Well, yeah. It’s like the fellow who contacted his boss and explained whey he couldn’t come to work that day. He was getting ready to come in, but he sat down for a minute. His cat came over and curled up on his lap, and, I mean, what could he do?

Polly was a love, a lot different than the rottweiler I’ll talk about tomorrow.

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24 Responses to Polly

  1. Pets are such a comfort, aren’t they?

    God bless.

  2. how sweet the connection was with Polly

  3. Rose says:

    I just deleted an old sign saying something to do with a cat in lap..you know that’s true. Kitty here follows me around at night just waiting for me to sit down till she can get in my lap. Lots of times I have stayed up later because I hate to make a cat move.

  4. tomthebackroadstraveller says:

    …we all need a friend.

  5. You have good memories of those babies. I miss dogs but I am not up to starting with a new dog anymore. So, it’s cats!

  6. Ginny Hartzler says:

    I can’t imagine how much you missed her!!!

  7. The OP Pack says:

    such sweet memories!!!

  8. Myra Guca says:

    How sweet! I’m afraid I’d make a lousy volunteer, b/c I couldn’t bear to part with the babies.

  9. Ann Thompson says:

    Polly sounds like a sweetheart. I don’t know if I could do that job. I would want to take all the dogs home with me.

  10. MadSnapper says:

    lap sitting is what sealed the deal on adopting Big Boy. Beau love the t touch. after the video yesterday I tried it and the one he likes the most is the face and under ears one.. the thing is, he is like Polly was for you, once started he doesn’t want it to stop

  11. Sweet post with a lovely memories. ((Hugs))

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