The Rottweiler

What happened was I got a phone call saying a rottweiler had come in and he was so stressed he was wagging his tail and beating it against the walls of his kennel. The tail was raw and bleeding. Could I come in and work with him? Of course.

He was easy to work with, completely cooperative, so I took him out of his kennel and did Ttouches with him for about an hour. Then I put him back in this kennel and thought I could leave for home. Umm. Not quite. I had forgotten about the tail, which left smears of blood on the floor and wall where I had taken him. It took me about an hour to clean it all up. That’s what sticks in my mind. I’m sure I went over again the next day, being more careful. I don’t even know if I went for a third day, but the tail beating stopped and he no longer acted stressed.

Who knows if Ttouch even helped? Maybe it would have happened with just time, but he not only stopped acting stressed, he got his confidence back. He showed me that himself. When I walked in that day he came to the front of the kennel and looked at me. Not a friendly, “happy to see you” look, but a “I’m an alpha male and don’t you forget it.” Yes, he was just fine. He was quickly adopted and went off to a new home. Another success story for the shelter.

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24 Responses to The Rottweiler

  1. Ann Thompson says:

    What a sad start the poor boy had at the shelter. That’s awesome that you were able to help him and calm his fears. He must have been scared to death being put in the shelter. So glad he was adopted quickly.

  2. MadSnapper says:

    I suffer for days each time we go to the shelter, thinking of all the wonderful, heart broken dogs. God bless you and all volunteers that help lessen their stress

  3. Rose says:

    I am so glad you were there for him. And so glad he got adopted.

  4. It is so sad to see so many abandoned dogs. I’d love to adopt all of them if I could.

    God bless.

  5. tomthebackroadstraveller says:

    …he is a big boy to take care of.

  6. Christine says:

    So glad you helped him, and that he is okay.

  7. I think you yourself have the touch with these poor dogs.

  8. Ginny Hartzler says:

    So you were their premiere behavioral specialist? How long did you work there? How many dogs have you had yourself?

    • Jean says:

      I went almost every day for a couple of years. I really wanted a dog when I was a kid, but couldn’t have one. And we’ve always lived in apartments so couldn’t have one until a couple of years ago, when our management decided to allow them. So going over to the shelter and interacting with the pups was a great experience for me.

  9. Myra Guca says:

    It breaks my heart to imagine how those dogs feel when they’re suddenly displaced and put in those concrete prisons. God bless you for caring!

  10. That poor pup. I’m glad you were there for him.

  11. I didn’t know you worked/volunteered at a shelter! What rewarding work! Beautiful dog.

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