The Message Sent…

is not necessarily the message received. Yesterday’s post is a good reminder.

I just finished a memorial piece for my coworker’s cat. The recipient is an avid night sky photographer, so I hope it will suit his style nicely.
Bored Panda

I had assumed that by linking to Bored Panda twice people would realize that I hadn’t done the cross stitch myself, but I was wrong. Not everyone understood, so next time I’ll be more explicit.

It reminds me of another miscommunication years ago at the shelter. Sally was a feisty pup and I mostly worked on having her tune into the human when she was walking on a leash. But when I came to her kennel I would first have her sit and I would give her a treat. Then Friends of the Shelter had a “mobile adoption”, where they would bring some of the pups to the front of a grocery or other store to remind people of the shelter and to show some pups ready for adoption. Sally was included and she was happy when she saw me. She came up to me, sat down and looked up expectantly. I showed her my empty hands, no treats. She started barking indignantly. In her mind the rule was (1) she sat, (2) I gave her a treat. I had reneged on my part of the deal. Fortunately she got adopted before I had to explain to her that wasn’t the way it was supposed to work.

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20 Responses to The Message Sent…

  1. tomthebackroadstraveller says:

    …it takes so us a while to understand things. In my case, quite a while.

  2. Rose says:

    I am glad she got adopted…

  3. Ah, I see. Sally was greatly disappointed in you!

  4. Sorry; I thought you did it.

    God bless.

  5. Ginny Hartzler says:

    I knew that you did not make that, because of the Bored Panda. Such a cute dog story!

  6. Awww, I hope sweet Sally got some treats when she got home.

  7. Myra Guca says:

    Not mine, but I love this quote:
    “It’s a humbling moment when you realize your pet has successfully trained you to do something.”

  8. The OP Pack says:

    Sally is a good reminder of how fast dogs learn and never forget:)

  9. MadSnapper says:

    I think that those of us who research a LOT on the internet understood. It is also easy to be misunderstood by comments made in emails and on blog comments, it changes when we can’t see the eyes and face of the commenting person… so happy the the precious pup was adopted.

  10. Ann Thompson says:

    My guess is that not everyone reads the whole post. I’ve often noticed when reading blog comments as well as Facebook comments if the person even bothered to read it at all.
    Cute story about Sally. I’m glad to hear she was adopted.

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