
Summer (June, July, August) is half over now. How do you feel about that?

(For Catherine in New Zealand it’s winter, of course.)

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26 Responses to Summertime

  1. of course this is my first winter here in this region – so I’ve no idea what to expect – the residents all have differing versions of where we are at.

    it’s a rain filled week, but also foggy

    last week was brisk and crisp with frost and fog but mainly fine after the fog lifted

  2. Did you know that dogs in the desert run faster because the trees are further apart?

    God bless.

  3. Rose says:

    I miss the early daylight already…I am now giving morning meds before it is fully light.

  4. tomthebackroadstraveller says:

    …typically July is the hottest month here, but it hard to determine what is normal these days.

  5. MadSnapper says:

    July/august/Sept are usually the hottest part of our Florida year but this year we had July weather in Starting in April and the AC has been on since then. first time ever in my 40 years here.
    we usually have heat right up to Thanksgiving, but less than July, hope it will be that way this year… I FEEL HOT is how I feel. ha ha

  6. Christine says:

    Half over! Gosh it zipped by -Christine

  7. Just a little drama to make the point!

  8. I don’t know where summer has gone. It’s been mostly wet and hot here, so any kind of enjoyment didn’t happen. I don’t know what to expect anymore.

  9. Time is moving too fast and the heat has been extreme this summer.

  10. Ginny Hartzler says:

    HOTTEST summer EVER! Just hoping our air conditioner does not give out completely, it can barely keep up at all. It is so bad to wish time away, especially at my age, but I am just waiting for fall!

  11. Ann Thompson says:

    Time is just moving by too fast. I’m not ready to start closing in on winter.

  12. Myra+G. says:

    It doesn’t seem to cool significantly until the end of October … but that doesn’t mean I’m not counting the days!

  13. The OP Pack says:

    It seems like summer lasts through most of October around here. Every year it is hot a bit longer. Finally today, a bit of rain, and a drop in the temps (a little).

    No video of this lady playing the piano. I only had lessons for a couple of years as an adult. Life with three young kiddos was too hectic to allow for practice time. Something I should probably explore again.

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