Homer, Edna, and Ed

Homer was a much beloved goose over at the pond.


He was all alone for years, so a lot of us were excited when he had a companion. The local paper asked for suggested names, then they had people vote. The consensus was the new goose should be named Edna.


I have a lot of Homer and Edna pictures in these Flicker albums: 6-12-21 Homer, Edna, and the Pond and 9-06-21 Homer and Edna

It turns out Edna was a great choice for a name, because when Homer passed away they realized Edna was male, not female. So his new name became Ed.

Then Ed got a companion, so far unnamed, and they had goslings. One of the goslings survived so the three of them now hang out together. I took a few pictures last Friday:

And here’s a video of them taken Saturday night:

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14 Responses to Homer, Edna, and Ed

  1. Lovely photos and video. Thank you.

    God bless.

  2. Rose says:

    They are so sweet. Will watch video later. I am trying to think what to name the other goose.

  3. tomthebackroadstraveller says:

    …how do you tell them apart?

  4. I’m always amazed at how white birds are able to keep themselves.

  5. Ed and Edwina! They are content geese.

  6. MadSnapper says:

    they are a lovely family and I really like your photo that includes the flowers. warms the cockles of my heart

  7. Ginny Hartzler says:

    What a story. I believe they mate for life?

  8. That’s a very sweet story.

  9. Ann Thompson says:

    That’s too funny about Homer and Edna. Glad to hear Ed got a female companion this time. I enjoyed watching the video. Now I’m off to go look at the pictures.

  10. Myra Guca says:

    Too sweet! I hope they’ll publish the baby’s name sometime soon.

  11. They are so cute and fun to watch. It’s sad that Homer died though.

  12. The OP Pack says:

    So we are going to guess that Edna/Ed’s new companion is female:). Such a nice story – loved the video.

  13. lovely story thanks for sharing

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