Does Anyone Else Think This Is Funny?

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26 Responses to Does Anyone Else Think This Is Funny?

  1. tomthebackroadstraveller says:

    …the truth will set us free.

  2. Myra Guca says:

    Having lived in Phoenix, I can relate!

  3. Christine says:

    Fear instilled…haha

  4. Ginny Hartzler says:


  5. The OP Pack says:

    It is so hot here, I think this cartoon is inspiring me:)

  6. Not me but then I don’t live where we get sun advisories.

  7. one of new apparent hazards for my new meds is “no direct sunlight” – but no one has completely answered me “is it winter or summer sun?” I am trying to remember sunblock as i cant wear a sunhat due to other issues with my head, nothing to do with theses meds!

  8. Rose says:

    We get heat advisories with warnings to drink lots of fluids but not sun advisories.

  9. MadSnapper says:

    its funny and sad because its true… I just said to Bob, my email is full of dire warnings of the storm that is down below Cuba, headed our way or not. emails from city, county, power company and cable warnings.. yesterday we had extreheat warning from 12 to 6, and Beau was sick from 12 to 7:30 and I spent most of that time following him in the heat while he pooped brown water. he seems fine this morning, I gave him rice and chicken broth for breakfast and am now heeding the warnings and going to WM to get a few more hurricane supplies… no aloe in the tub. yet. I do have a bottle of it though

  10. Ann Thompson says:

    Yes, that is funny. I tend to ignore things like this. It’s my way of being a rebel.

  11. Yes, I think it’s a cute joke.

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