Incompetent Is Such an Ugly Word


Andy phoned yesterday. My voice mail isn’t set up and he hung up before I could scoot over to the phone. My best guess it was Kaitlin, but no. So then I phoned Andy. Yes, someone wanted to talk to me. He had the number, so I found some paper but had to find a pen. And, of course, when I found the pen I forgot where I put the paper.

Life in the old lane. We had a good laugh.

When he phoned I was watching this video about how soon I could go home after a total hip replacement.

My follow up with a doctor about my nonsurgical treatment is tomorrow. I’ve been trying to be careful, sleeping on my back, doing the exercises, etc. but there’s always the chance I did something wrong and hurt it. Or for some other reason it isn’t healing properly. And they seem to think even if it heals now, I’ll probably need a complete transplant eventually. So I might as well gather some data now.

On the whole things are settling into place. I‘m even starting to study more Spanish than just the minimum daily Duolingo. I’ll write more about that soon.

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26 Responses to Incompetent Is Such an Ugly Word

  1. I guess if it’s not ‘hurting” a lot (even with pain killers) it’s probably is healing – x-fingers that’s the case

    but at least you’ve other things to focus on including “living” some place else – and now Kaitlin and Torben and the fur family are on their way – to help get you back home or whatever else

    all care

  2. MadSnapper says:

    this sounds like you could go home and just not go up or down the stairs except if needed. once you are up, you could just stay there with someone in to help… sounds doable. hope tomorrow is a good report.

  3. Rose says:

    I will listen/watch this later. That so sounds like me losing the paper.

  4. tomthebackroadstraveller says:

    …let’s hope that each day is one more day towards recovery.

  5. Praying for your complete and quick healing.

    God bless.

  6. Myra Guca says:

    I need to show this to Tom. Years ago he was hospitalized 3 days following a hip replacement. Tho’ I suspect he desperately needs another, he’s loathe to do so.
    Smart of you to anticipate and prepare for whatever’s to come. Fingers crossed!

  7. I hope everyone figures out the best way for you to properly heal.

  8. You are doing what you need to do. Hopefully it will heal.

  9. Christine says:

    All the best, stay as busy as you can

  10. Ginny Hartzler says:

    Let us know what the doctor says and how you are healing!

  11. Ann Thompson says:

    One of the girls at work was just at the hospital with her husband on Monday. He had a hip replacement and went home that same day. I suppose everyone will do differently. Hope all goes well with your recovery.

  12. The OP Pack says:

    Whatever is best for you in the long run is what we want, but we do hope you can avoid surgery. All the best.

  13. Bruce Taylor says:

    Judy was not happy with her hip transplant even though the medicos were. But so it goes with SWMBO.

    • Jean says:

      I’m sorry hers didn’t work well for her. It’s annoying (to put it mildly) when doctors think they did a good job while the patient suffers.

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