Things Are Moving Along

Kaitlin, Torben and the pups should arrive in town this afternoon. They’ll briefly stop by the apartment then drive up to the land, staying until the 26th.

If all goes well we’ll see them there tomorrow. I had my xray in Santa Fe Thursday, and the hip is healing. Yes, hurray for that! The doctor said I might be uncomfortable driving on dirt roads, but it won’t hurt my hip. He was concerned about my walking on uneven terrain, but I don’t plan to do that. I’ll stick to the wheel chair and mostly stay in the house. The trick will be getting into the 4Runner safely. We’re working on that.

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24 Responses to Things Are Moving Along

  1. oh hurray for the “healing hip” – and the blessing of the doctor to get out and about, SAFELY

    the pups will be happy to be out of the cramped car but so too will the humans

  2. Ann Thompson says:

    That’s great news that your hip is healing. I’m sure you’ll have it all figured out how to get into the 4runner.

  3. tomthebackroadstraveller says:

    …keep working on it!!!

  4. Myra Guca says:

    I’m so glad to hear the hip is mending!!!
    ‘Looking forward to hearing about your upcoming ‘excursion.’ Where there’s a will there’s way!

  5. I’m so glad you’re healing up, that’s great news. Enjoy your visit!

  6. MadSnapper says:

    I am soooo happy to hear this and that they are almost there and will stay a while… good luck with moving into the apartment and getting settled in.. you can watch your basketball court and do you normal things, just in a chair not on feet… Thank you Lord the hip is healing.

    • Jean says:

      Unfortunately I won’t be cleared for stairs for about three more weeks. But I am cleared for trips to the land as long as I’m careful.

  7. Enjoy your visit with them. I’m glad you are healing and doing well.

  8. Linda Sand says:

    Fortunately, therapists are good at figuring out how to do things safely. Enjoy your trip.

  9. Ginny Hartzler says:

    Hurrah, wonderful news! Looks like you made the right treatment decision. When I saw your post of the dogs on the bed, I had thought they were already there. Keep us posted! Did he say how long till you will be healed? Will you have home P.T.?

  10. Bruce Taylor says:

    Great to hear the hip is healing. You seem to be a tough one. Be careful up on the land.

  11. The OP Pack says:

    that is wonderful news. Does this mean you are headed home?

  12. Sounds good! I’m sure you will figure out how to get into the vehicle as safely as possible. Glad to hear the healing is going well. 🙂

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